Saturday, February 19, 2022


LIVE A LIVE the 1994 Super Famicom RPG from SQUARE is getting a HD-2D re-release, which will also mark the first time the game will be released outside of Japan. Fan translations have allowed people to experience this game and said fans are crazy about LIVE A LIVE. One such passionate fan is RedMufflerMan, who has put together, what is, in my humble opinion, the best advert to sell people on LIVE A LIVE. At one minute and twenty eight seconds, it is short and very much to the point. It is also quite hilarious and I feel further included to pick up LIVE A LIVE for the effort RedMufflerMan put into this video. That and he probably lost his voice while making it.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Valentines Day Cards

Image: KirbyInformer/Twitter

I am not one for Valentines Day. I originally had no plans to post anything in celebration of it, but when I saw these Kirby and the Forgotten Land themed Valentines Day cards, I knew I had to give them a mention.

Why give your Valentine some bland, boring Hallmark card when you can show them them love with Carby? Yes, there is a card with Mouthful Mode Kirby in it as well as one with Mouthful Mode Kirby as a light bulb. Glad to see Nintendo going all in on the memes they knew this game would produce. 

There are five of these digital Kirby themed Valentines Day cards and they can be printed up to give to your special someone. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

First Nintendo Direct of 2022 was LIT

Image: Nintendo

On February 9, 2022, Nintendo hosted a Nintendo Direct. I'm excited for Nintendo Directs but I never go into them with astronomically high expectations. That's how you set yourself up for disappointment. Tampered expectations means you'll come away with something to look forward to. 

With that being said...


I was not prepared for Nintendo to go that hard for the first Nintendo Direct of 2022. Like, even as I write this up, I am still reeling over everything that was shown. Really, I went in excited but mellow (mellcited, excellowed?) but came away with my hype levels through the roof! There's too many games to go through them all, but I will talk about the ones that have me the most jazzed.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Image: RPG Site

Three Houses has it all. A well rounded cast of characters, a gripping tale and some killer music. The only thing missing from it is battles in the warriors/muso style. And we'll be getting that with the second entry for the FE Warriors line in Three Hopes. If you've never played Three Houses, you might wanna hold off on playing Three Hopes when it releases in June as it may contain some spoilers from Three Houses. 

Wanna get people to pay attention to a Warriors game? Just toss some Nintendo characters in there. It did wonders for Hyrule Warriors. The reveal of Three Hopes has me itching to pop Three Houses back in my Switch again.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp

Image: Nintendo

Despite owning both GBA Advance Wars titles, I only put a handful of hours into the first and never even opened Black Hole Rising. And as much as I adore the pixel art of the original, the new coat of paint is very easy on the eyes. We're even getting voice acting and the ability to rewind turns. Those are some pretty spiffy quality of life improvements. Since I am not the best player at these types of games, I welcome any change that let's me undo my screw ups. 

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

The release for the pink puff ball's latest game draws nearer. My hunch about the Waddle Dees you rescue building some sort of town was correct. The more you save, the more you'll see Waddle Dee Town grow. But the big take away from the newest trailer is Mouthful Mode. Think of it as Kirby's Copy ability on steroids. The Pink Demon doesn't just inhale enemies. Stationary objects are also on the table for the little guy to consume. From vending machines to automobiles, Kirby can eat it and use the abilities they offer. 

Depending on whom you ask, Mouthful Mode is either the coolest thing ever or the grossest. The internet wasted no time meming up Mouthful Mode. I'm positive we haven't seen everything that can be used in Mouthful Mode and that just makes me more stoked for this game's late March release.

Oh and if I do not get to honk a horn while I commit destruction on four wheels as Karby, I will riot.

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

Image: Nintendo

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile originally released on the PS in 1997. It received a remake for the Wii in 2008 that sold like mud, which axed any chances for Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil, which released on the PS2 in 2001, getting another shot at life on the Wii. 

Fast forward to 2022 and we get the reveal of Klonoa and Klonoa coming to the Switch as Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series. From what I hear, these are some majorly under appreciated platformers so I know the fans have got to be beaming to see HD versions of these games on the Switch. I own the Wii remake and the PS2 sequel but both are games I regrettably, never really touched. You can bet I'm gonna fix that when this collection releases in July. 

It is a bit of a bummer that the other games aren't being included such as Empire of Dreams on the GBA (the one Klonoa game I finished) but we'll take what we can get. 

I just found out that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the Klonoa series and this collection is an excellent way to celebrate.

Mario Strikers: Battle League

Image: Nintendo

It has been more than 10 years since the last Mario Strikers game. If you don't understand why the announcement of this game has so many people going nuts, you were probably born in the late 2000s.

The Strikers games are known for their thick line art style, over the top, cartoon violence and some of the best versions of the Mario cast EVER. You think Daisy is sassy in other games? PUH-LEASE. Girl is on a whole different level in the Strikers games. Also, Waluigi will literally do the suck it gesture after scoring a goal. Man, I am hoping Next Level Games goes just as crazy with the cast for Battle League.

Nintendo is really pushing the online for this one. 20 member clubs, club rankings and 8 player locals are going to make for some chaotic multiplayer matches. Looking forward to all the YouTube videos this game is going to spawn.

Front Mission 1st

Image: Nintendo

The first Front Mission game I played was Front Mission 3 as it was the first in the series to be released outside of Japan. I freaking love that game. The first Front Mission did make it our shores on the DS as Front Mission 1st. I never got around to buying a copy. So when I heard them say "Wanzers" before we say any footage of this game, I knew he had to be talking Front Mission. I just didn't know it was the first one, nor did I expect it was getting remade on this big a scale. Both the music and the visuals are getting a serious overhaul. I like seeing SQUARE ENIX throwing cash at their IPs for remakes. Mind you, it isn't FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE cash, but still cash, nonetheless.

And we're getting a Front Mission 2 remake later on? NICE. Can we get a remake of 3? Please?

Nintendo Switch Sports

Image: Nintendo

I'm sure some hardcore players are gonna scoff at this one but given the MASSIVE install base that the Switch has? This game is going to print so much money.

Nintendo already had me with this one but then I saw badminton is in there. I love badminton. The sport does not get enough love am hype that it will be in Nintendo Switch Sports right off the bat. 

Golf will be added later so here's hoping we get Boxing down the road. 

Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers Edition

Image: Nintendo

I never gave Chrono Cross a fair shake when it originally released. I disliked the game so much because it wasn't like Chrono Trigger sand never judged the game on it's own merits. I've got my PS copy still but I no longer have my CRT TV since it went bad a few years ago and I don't feel like jumping through hoops to play old games on original hardware. So I will take this upscale release of Chrono Cross that comes with the text game Radical Dreamers, a game I've always wanted to give a try. 

Random battles have never been a thing for Chrono Cross but even so, being able to turn off battles entirely is nice feature. We'll also be able to enjoy the game's marvelous soundtrack in higher quality. If you've never heard the music of Chrono Cross before, you're in for a real treat.

Why isn't Chrono Trigger part of this release? I'm hoping SQUARE ENIX is saving CT for a HD-2D remake. 


Image: RPGFan

File this under "Totally did not see that coming." I had the faintest of hopes this game would get an official English release. Like, dude, I got CHILLS when I saw that logo and heard that music. 

OK, I've never played LIVE A LIVE, but I'm not exactly a stranger to the game or its outstanding soundtrack. This is a game that has always piqued my curiosity and I am SO glad people will be able to play it. 

This version of LIVE A LIVE is not a simple Super Famicom port but a full blown remake in the style of Octopath Traveler visuals, which I LOVE. Even the music has been redone and it sounds heavenly. Still, I do hope there is the option to listen to the original SFC music. 

Also, it seems I've been saying the title wrong for years. Oh, well. Doubt I was the only one. 

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass

Image: Nintendo Everything

Did you actually think we were gonna get Mario Kart 9? Ha ha ha, that's cute. Mario Kart 8 is an 8 year old game. It sold well enough on the Wii U. But the Wii U was a failure, barely selling over 13 million in lifetime sales. Now the Switch? That sucker recently outsold the PS2 and will turn five years old in March. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has sold nearly 40 million copies alone on the Switch. So if the game is still making dat moola, why would you thrown a 9 behind the words "Mario Kart"?

I get that some of you are mad that Nintendo isn't giving us Mario Kart 9. But on the plus side, we're getting an entire game's worth of tracks. Remastered tracks from the entire Mario Kart series. How can anyone stay mad that there is no Mario Kart 9? We're getting tracks from Mario Kart Tour and they brought back Coconut Mall. Can we please get Waluigi Pinball? That is a GOAT Mario Kart track.

As a Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack member I am happy that I don't have to pay anything for this delicious 8 Deluxe DLC. I had been meaning to get around to buying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as I immensely enjoyed the game on the Wii U. Nintendo is now saying "Hey, Reg, buy or game. Again."

I'm really looking forward to hearing the arrangements the Mario Kart 8 sound team delivers for these 48 tracks. They knocked it out of the park for Mute City, Big Blue and every other DLC course in Mario Kart 8 as well as the new stuff for Deluxe.