Friday, August 1, 2008

Super Smash Flash

Super Smash Flash is a flash game that was made using Macromedia Flash. You can think of it as a 32-bit version of Super Smash Bros. Melee. There are 13 starting characters and 15 more that you can unlock. SSF is third party friendly, featuring characters like Mega Man X (called Megaman in this game), Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Zero. There are even some anime charcters like Naruto and InuYasha.

Like Melee, the unlockable goods will take some time. Of course you could always cheat. Just hit up YouTube and you'll come across a ton of ways to unlock the hidden characters. Speaking of cheating, the fight with the Master Hands at the end of Adventure mode will be a pain unless you throw honor and pride out the window. Just hit the backspace button to pause before the Master Hands attack. Wait until they finish attack, unpause the game and you won't have taken any damage. Since the hands fight dirty, I recommend you exploit the heck outta this trick.

I wish I could say SSF was perfect but it isn't. The controls feel lose and floaty and regular enemies in adventure mode can really rack up your percent meter. Even with those faults, I really can't say SSF is a bad flash game. You get a nice sized character roster, sweet music taken from Melee, and the warm and fuzzies that come with seeing 16-32 bit sprites. Like Melee, the game keeps track of every little statistical detail.

As for the glitches, well that stuff doesn't really bother me. Some of the greatest games of all-time have glitches. Street Fighter II, anyone?

You can find out more about the game here.

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