Monday, January 24, 2011

Super Mario Plush Dolls Get!

One of the first things I got for myself in the new year were some genuine Super Mario Plush Dolls in Barns & Nobles. I was really surprised to find these things in a book store. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't even looking for them. Yeah, I knew there were video game plush dolls out there, but I'd never actively sought them out. When I actually saw some, and some of Super Mario no less, I was ecstatic.

My mom didn't understand why I'd actually want something like these. This coming from a woman that has a glass shelf to display her collection of clowns. Clowns! (Not that there's anything wrong with that) As a huge Mario fan, how could I not be interested in Mario plush toys?

From what I saw, they had everyone but Mario (figures he'd be gone), but that was OK because Luigi has always been my boy. I just had to get Yoshi as well because he looked so cute.

When I get some more cash, I'm definitely going back to pick up more.

1 comment:

  1. There's actually several kinds of mario plush out there.
