Friday, February 18, 2011

Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Poster Get!

Once upon a time, Marvel gave the license to it's popular comic characters to Capcom and for years, the company put out amazing fighters and the occasional beat 'em up. Sometime in the early 2000s, EA obtained the Marvel license and they put out the craptacular Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects. Years later, Marvel would rectify it's mistake and give the Marvel license back to Capcom and in 2010, news of the unthinkable happened: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was announced and well, here we are.

I imagine many of you fighting game fanatics and casual fighting game fans alike are basking in Capcom's latest brawler. After all, we've been waiting years for this game, as many of us thought it would never happen. Sadly since I don't yet own a 360 or PS3, I won't be able to join in on the fighting, at least not yet. My brother-in-law does own a 360 and he'll be picking the game up before the month is out. I'll probably do some offline playing first before I go online to get owned by the pros. 

There have been some major changes to the roster, some pretty controversial. The absence of Ken has struck a chord with hardcore Ken fans. The inclusion of Zero of X or even Classic Mega Man, has left many scratching their heads and is only further proof that Capcom's man-crush on Zero has all but dissipated, even with Keiji Inafune no longer being with the company. The reasons for including Zero over X/Classic Mega Man certainly did not help. Regardless, I'm still very stoked for this game. I'm thinking of rolling with Spidey, Arthur and Haggar as one of my main teams.

Oh and my brother-in-law got his hands on some Marvel vs. Capcom 3 posters at his job that would have been tossed in the garbage had they not reached him. Can you believe that? I'm always up for good gaming freebies and thanks to him, I came out with two Marvel vs. Capcom 3 posters, which is the image you see up at the left. Good deal. Now where should I hang one up at?

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