Friday, February 25, 2011

Mega Man Mania Revival Pitch

Mega Man III on the black & white Game Boy.
All you Mega Man fans remember Mega Man Mania? I'm sure you do. It was the ill-fated collection of original black & white Game Boy Mega Man games that would have been given the port treatment with some new colors for the Game Boy Advance. After numerous delays, the game was canceled.

Despite having all five original Game Boy Mega Man titles, I still would have grabbed Mania in a heartbeat. It would have been the perfect chance for anyone that missed the originals or for those struggling to hunt them down to get their hands on them in a legal manner.

I've given thought to this collection being resurrected in the past. Someone could probably just do a home brew similar to the 8-bit Rockman 7, giving the game a full color scheme akin to the NES Mega Man titles. It turns out Heat Man over at the Mega Man Network has a far greater idea.

Mock up screenshot for Mega Man III on the 3DS.
Heat Man presents a pitch that would not only give us all five Mega Man Game Boy games, they'd get remade with extra features, most notably some spiffy new visuals. As much as I love 8-bit Mega Man, I'd love to see the games be taken in a new graphical direction. Doesn't that mock up shot just make you salivate? I'd buy a 3DS for that alone!

Sure, the idea is just a pitch but it has reached Capcom's attention. News has been around on the net for at least a week already and I figure the more fans catch wind of this pitch, the better.

Source: Proto Dude.

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