Friday, February 4, 2011

Nintendo 3DS: I Can Wait

In a little less than two months, the Nintendo 3DS will be here. But despite all that it promises to bring us, I won't be picking one up at launch. Why not? Well, I'm a hardcore Nintendo fanboy, but I've got my reasons.

The 3DS is gonna set gamers back $249.99, a much stepper price than Nintendo's previous handhelds. I also had a big move to Virginia about a month ago and finances are pretty tight for me at the moment so there's no way I can afford to spend that kinda cash on something game-related or otherwise.

I also think the system's battery life is a huge letdown. We're talking 3 to 5 hours with the lighting and even without lighting, only about 10% more than that. That might make play on long bus trips/flights out of the question.

And then you've got the inevitable upgrades. The original DS saw not one, not two, but three upgrades (actually, does the 3DS make four?), and how much you wanna bet the 3DS upgrades take care of the first model's battery life problem? I was originally planning to pick up a DS Lite but then the DSi was released and now, well, you know the rest. Nintendo has been upgrading it's handhelds since the original Game Boy so don't expect them to stop with the 3DS.

I'll pick up the 3DS eventually, and as much as I'd like to get one at launch, I've learned that waiting with Nintendo's handhelds really does pay off. If you don't mind not having a 3DS on day one and can be content with what you've got, good deal. However, if you can get one right off the bat, more power to you.

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