Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Am I too Old-School?

So I've noticed that most of my blog posts here have been about games from days long gone by. Yeah, I'll mention games from the current generation but for the most part, old-school related posts seem to reign supreme here. This got my thinking: am I too old-school for my own good? Depending on whom you ask, some say you can never have too much of a good thing and then some say that too much of a good thing isn't healthy.

The only current generation platform that I own is a Wii, which is the reason I review games for that system along with Virtual Console titles. I'm no stranger to the PS3 and 360, but since I can't afford to go out and buy a new console right now, I've been content with what I have. Even last generation systems like my PS2 have given me hours of gaming fun.

I know a lot of fellow old-school gamers that play tons of current generation games, far more than myself, and they have no problem picking up older games as if they never left. But I feel like I'm more stuck in the past than most and for that, I feel just a little weird. Makes me wonder if people are sick of my old-school gaming posts.

As much as I enjoy playing games of the past, it does irk me whenever I see comments on YouTube saying that games of today suck and that the older stuff was the best. Those kind of remarks really are painting old-school gamers in bad light and is quite frankly, embarrassing.

I wouldn't mind hearing some feedback on this. Give me your honest opinions. Should I look for topics on newer games to write about on this blog or just leave things as they are?


  1. very good point. older PC games are still fun to play - I still give some time to those that I can play on Windows 7, unfortunately that is not all of them but I can manage most.

    PS2 = I still play that quite a bit.

  2. PS2 has an amazing library of games. There's a good amount of games for that system that I still want.
