Saturday, March 26, 2011

Latest Game Purchases 2: Video Game Heaven

Today Charles took my to a place called Video Game Heaven, located in Chesapeake. After spending some time in there looking around and making a few purchases, I can honestly say that Video Game Heaven is one of the coolest places on the planet. Also, my brother-in-law is super awesome.

If I were to sum up the store in three words, those words would be "video game museum." Simply put, this store is an olds-school gamer's fantasy. I saw Atari 2600 models that looked brand new, tons of NES, Genesis and SNES games, and the selection of games on current generation platforms went for much less than what you'd pay at GameStop and most mainstream video game retailers that sell used games. For an old-school fanatic like myself, just walking around in there was awesome.

I was finally able to fulfill a dream (pun somewhat intended) by picking up NiGHTS into Dreams. It wasn't complete but it had a case and game cover so I'm pretty content with that. I've always wanted to play this game after all the good things I heard about it after spending a little time with it, I can see why it gets all the praise it does.

Fighting Vipers is one of those games I thought I'd never be able to purchase, let alone play. It's nice to be wrong sometimes. Video Game Heaven had a complete copy for ultra cheap. From what I can tell, it looks they Sega took Virtua Fighter and just went nuts with it.

Fight Vipers was $7.99, NiGHTs was 3.99, Double Dragon II was $5.99 and Stinger was free.
I once had a copy of Double Dragon II: The Revenge on the NES and I foolish traded it in. Thankfully I was able to rectify that mistake by getting another cheap copy. I still find the intro to this game a bit amusing. I mean, at first I thought we had to rescue the girl (AGAIN) but she gets mowed down at the very beginning. Huh. Well that's one way to subvert the whole damsel in distress trope. Oh, spoiler alert, BTW.

Fighting Vipers was actually the last game I picked up but because I bought it, I was able to get Stinger, which was set at $3.99 for free! Sweet!

I did buy one other item that was totally sweet but that's a lengthy post for another day. I'll definitely be coming back to Video Game Heaven when I get another chance.

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