Monday, March 28, 2011

My Game Collection

After thinking it over for a bit, I decided to take my games out of the boxes they were in and store them on my shelf. Looking at a big mess of games sure is a lot more attractive than a pile of boxes.

The crazy thing? This isn't even all of my games. It's the bulk of my collection but I left out my Dreamcast games, Genesis games and Sega Saturn games. I don't have near as many titles on those consoles as I do my PS2, NES, and SNES, but I'm still proud of my games for those platforms just the same. The only reason they weren't pictured is because there wasn't anymore room. I'm also missing a few games from some friends that I've yet to get back since I moved. Guess it's time to write those death threats and mail 'em out.

I'd like to thank my dad for taking these pics. Not only do I not own a digital camera, I don't even know how to use one.

1 comment:

  1. a lot of games and my old digital is someething I bought to be compatible with my old computer which crashed on me so I don't have one either
