Sunday, April 3, 2011

Latest Game Purchases 3

Last week I picked up what may very well be my last batch of games for a while. Considering what I found, I'd say I made a nice haul.

I wanted to get the PS2 version of Okami but I wasn't able to find it, even when I lived in Ohio. After doing some reading on the Wii version, I decided to opt for it and fye once again came through with a good price of only $15.99 used and complete. It's one of those cover versions that sports the infamous IGN watermark. Not that I'm really stressing over it. I'm just happy to have the game.

I must have checked out nearly every store in Virginia Beach that sells games to find a copy of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars. A GameStop had one copy left that they were selling new for $29.99. I remember hearing of this game back in 2008 and thought it would never come out in America and when it finally did, it arrived with two new characters for both the Capcom and Tatsunoko sides. I've been playing this game all week and I'm really digging it. Despite the fact that I only recognized Ken the Eagle from Gatchaman, that really didn't detract from the game one bit. In fact, I adore the Tatsunoko Side just as much as the Capcom side. The Tatsunoko anime license may have a ton of old-school characters but I'd gladly throw down with them any day of the week. Some may say that Tatsunoko vs Capcom is now old hat since Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is out but TvC is still a fine fighting game. Besides, does MvC3 have Frank West throwing shopping carts at opponents or dawning a Mega Man costume and shouting "REAL MEGA BUSTER!!!"? I think not.

I'm really wishing I'd picked up the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii before I moved, but getting all three games individually won't be hard since I'm now 2/3 of the way finished. Scoring a complete copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes was pretty nice but I was surprised that it was only $9.99. Being one of the best titles for the GameCube, I figured it would go for at least $20 or so.

Mario Superstar Baseball is a game I've been wanting since it released in 2005. I mean, what took Nintendo so long to fuse Mario with baseball? That should have happened on the SNES but better late than never. Haven't tried it out yet but if I can put other games down, I can probably play a few quick games.

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