Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Latest Game Purchases 6

Went back to Video Game Heaven today to exchange the faulty 4MB cartridge that came with X-Men vs. Street Fighter and came out with an insanely cheap haul.

It's on the Virtual Console and I may pick it up eventually, but eying it for $4.99 as opposed to the 1000 Wii points made the cartridge version that much easier to nab first. Figured my nieces would get a kick out of this one, but I've been curious about Pokemon Snap for some time now. Sounds like a nice diversion type of game and the photography mechanics sound fun. It may not be at the top of most Pokemon fan's lists, but I'm not quite ready to invest 80 hours into a Pokemon title so for now, I think I'll be good with Snap.

Bomberman 64, Pokemon Snap and now Tetrissphere. Guess I'm not finished buying N64 games like I once thought. I'd almost forgotten about this version of Tetris. I was a big fan of The New Tetris on the N64 and have wanted to try this game out. Also, I've heard some of the music and it's pretty epic.

Another game that I unfortunately traded in. I corrected that mistake today. Electronic Gaming Monthly dubbed Toy Commander the Dremcast's first sleeper hit. When I first owned it, I never even played it. From what I've read, this was one of the more original games out at the time and really, the premise of a game based around playing with toys is just too cool to ignore. Of all the games I picked up today, it was the only one that was complete.

Konami was one of the few publishers that pumped out good licensed titles back when they had the rights to some of Warner Bros. animated franchises. Like most kids growing up in the '90s, Tiny Toon Adventures was one of my favorite cartoons (still a shame Warner Bros won't put out the rest of the series on DVD). Just like the animated series it was based off of, Buster Busts Loose! was a quality game offering fun plaforming, a sweet football (or soccer, depending on where you live) mini-game level, and memorable Konami music that the company is known for, with most of the tunes being SNES adaptions from the show.

Another cartoon I loved as a kid (still do, and my nieces love it as well). Never played it but it was made by Konami just like Buster Busts Loose! so that's good enough for me to pick it up. That and the ultra cheap price tag of $3.99.

I kick myself for not getting this game complete when I could have a few years back but for $3.99, just the disc with a case was all mine. I've been a fan of Klonoa's unique platforming gameplay style ever since I explored the GBA's Klonoa: Empire of Dreams. This actually makes the third Klonoa game I own and after I finish the Wii's visually enhanced port of Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, I'll run through Klonoa 2.

Unfortunately, the device I traded 4MB Saturn cartridge with, the Pro Universal Adaptor, lacks the 4MB of ram need to play some Saturn games. So I'm gonna have to plunk down some cash for a Action Replay 4M Plus. I've done some searching and they don't cost much. Still bummed that I can't play X-Men vs. Street Fighter, though.

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