Friday, June 24, 2011

Mail Call #2

I got a package in the mail on Thursday, something that I ordered from more than a week ago. It was my first time ordering from Play-Asia. I've been aware of the existence of Play-Asia for sometime now but up until now, I've never bought anything from them. After browsing the site and seeing what all they've got to offer, I'll probably make more purchases from them from now on.

Regional encoding is no longer the boss of me when it comes to Sega Saturn imports. I have gone into the dragon's den and slayed the beast and I can now play all the Japanese and European Saturn games I can get my hands on. The Action Replay 4M Plus, wonderful little device, has three functions. It's an Action Replay so it's loaded with cheat codes, which I'm not above using if I feel a game has screwed me over one too many times. It's also a 4M memory card, which rocks because the built in memory on my Saturn died years ago. I can finally save my game on NiGHTS. Lastly, it's a 1/4M expansion RAM card. Some import games require extra ram in order to be played on the Saturn such as X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

Unlike the faulty 4MB cart that Sega made, the Action Replay works like a charm. All I had to do was put that sucker in and I was tossing screen clearing Hadokens in X-Men vs. Street Fighter and playing horribly in After Burner II. I cannot wait to get more imports for my Saturn now. There are already a number of titles I want like the Salamader Deluxe Collection, the Gradius Deluxe Pack, and a few others. I may end up with quite the collection of Saturn imports.

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