Friday, July 8, 2011

I've Been Printed in Retro Gamer!

Retro Gamer is an award-winning UK-based magazine that I've been buying for four months now and is one of my favorite things to read. What's it about? Pretty obvious, don't you think? Anyway, in Load 90 (what they call issue numbers), there's a ten page article on some game. Perhaps you've heard of it. It's called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. On the Retro Gamer forums, they asked readers what were their favorite moments of said game. On the forums I go by the name Reglan and when I saw the spot where reader comments would be posted, I immediately looked for mine. Sure enough, there it was, complete with my 9-Volt avatar. Since I don't have a scanner, I took a picture of it with a digital camera so pardon my amateur theatrics.

This certainly isn't the first time I've been printed in game mag. I've had letters printed in Game Informer, Electronic Gaming Monthly and Official US PlayStation Magazine. Still, it's always a joy to see your words printed in a magazine, knowing that something your wrote truly stood out. I've seen a number of my fellow forumites on the Retro Gamer forums get their stuff printed in the magazine numerous times, so maybe I can make the magazine more than once.


  1. That's me on the right hand side of that picture commenting on my favourite moment.

    I've been printed in the mag a couple of times now and it's always a great feeling seeing yourself in print.

    My best one was issue 89 where I had three comments printed.
