Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jail Time for Video Game Streaming?

Not only do I love to play video games, I love to watch others play video games. I'm a huge fan of the Let's Play community, both those that are big name players and those that aren't so well-known. Well, if Congress gets their way, Let's Play videos on YouTube could be a thing of the past. Congress wants to enforce a law that could not only make those that post Let's Play videos be put in jail, but anyone that posts any game related footage on YouTube. This means you could get sent to the big house for simply posting a video of you and your pals rocking hard in Guitar Hero.

I know companies want to protect their stuff, but the whip cracking has got to stop somewhere. This bill is absurd on so many levels. When gamers aren't allowed to post video walkthroughs or Let's Play videos out of fear of being thrown in jail, then we've got a serious problem. Not only would it mean the end of many Let's Play videos, it would kill the popularity some games may ever have the chance to get. Some people don't take an interest in certain games until they come across a video or a Let's Play series on YouTube. If this law gets passed, all that would get taken away. But Let's Players wouldn't be the only ones who would suffer. Simply posting a video of your best time beating Super Mario World could get you tossed in prison.

Then there's also the enormous breach of freedom that this bill poses. It puts a huge limit on video game content. Want to post a video of you and buddies having a good time with Crazy Taxi? Not on Congresses watch! Got some cool Blazblue combo videos to share? Sorry, can't post them! The cops will get you! Heck, even linking to any possible video game footage posted by YouTube users could send you to jail. You can check out the whole text of the bill here.

Times like these that Congress really gets under my skin. It makes me feel that it's run by tired old suits that have no understanding of gaming and wish to strike down the medium any way it can. The fact that this bill was even proposed is beyond stupid.

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