Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Virtual Console Purchases #6

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I
I'm still on a big Sonic kick. I'm at the final level on Sonic Colors (Wii ver.) and I'm in the process of collecting all the Super Emeralds for Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. After thinking it over for a few weeks, I finally made the decision to part with 1500 Wii points and download Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I. This is actually the first episodic game I've ever picked up. I've never been to keen on episodic games, but since this is Sonic, I figured, I'd give it a shot. Yes, I'm fully aware that the game's physics aren't like that of the 16-bit Sonic games. But you know what? I'm still enjoying this game. I like how it looks and sounds (LOVE that title theme and Splash Hill Act 1.) It's wet my appetite for Episode II, which I hope will be longer.

Beyond Oasis (GEN)
This game is also known as the awesomely titled The Story of Thor. I remember seeing a review in GamePro years back when this game came out and they thought very highly of it. I never played it and one of the draws of the VC is the chance to play games I missed out on. It may look like a Zelda clone, but Beyond Oasis is actually far more action oriented. That's all fine and dandy with me. I could always use a good over head action game. Plus Yuzo Koshiro composed the music for Beyond Oasis *swoons*. I haven't played it yet, so I can't say much, but I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with this sexy-looking Genny game.

Final Fantasy II (IV) (SNES)
Yes, this is actually Final Fantasy IV and this is a widely known fact these days. I didn't play FFIV until early 1998. I paid nearly $40 for a used copy that was actually complete. I still have the instruction booklet and maps. Sadly, I tossed the box out, but I digress. It's not my fav FF, but FFIV still blew me away from the very beginning. The trials and tribulations of Cecil have made him one of the most memorable heroes in the Final Fantasy world. Sure, all the characters deaths may seem like overkill here, but FFIV is such an awesome game that this actually makes the fourth time I've bought it. It's just that good. Also, FFIV has my absolute favorite version of the prelude theme. It's 16-bit audio poetry. Were you expecting me to say something about bards? You spoony fool.

Final Fantasy III (VI) (SNES)
At the risk of sounding horribly predictable, I have to say it: this is my all-time favorite Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VI is such a rich game. It's characters are very complex, charged with more emotion and depth than many characters of modern day RPGs. It's story is gripping, sucking you in with a movie-like opening, and it's antagonist, Kefka, has rightly earned a seat at the table of the most memorable villains when it comes to nasty, vile people. Oh and FFVI also has some of Nobuo Uematsu's finest work. Like Chrono Trigger, this is another 16-bit game I bought on my 16th birthday and paid far less than what it would sell for in eBay years later. I also own multiple copies of this game, but it's been ages since I played through the SNES version. Once I'm finished with some other games and FFIV, I'll set aside some time to world-saving with Locke, Celes and the rest of the gang.

Games Bought: 3
Total Number of Virtual Console Games: 70

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