Friday, September 23, 2011

I MUST Get a 3DS Now

I admit that I haven't been the most positive supporter of Nintendo's latest handheld. The situation with the 3DS is very similar to that of it's predecessor, the original DS. When it launched, it didn't have a big library of must own games. But it didn't take long for that to change. Meteos, Mario Kart DS, New Super Mario Bros., Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. All of a sudden I was so glad I purchased the system because I was able to play these awesome games. As I look at the 3DS fall/winter lineup, it becomes increasingly apparent that I'm gonna have to get the system and soon.

They brought back Boom Boom? WANT!
Nintendo has a habit or reeling me in like bass when it comes to buying their systems. When I saw screens and commercials of Super Mario World, I wanted a SNES. Reading about Super Mario 64 and seeing the game in action? Had to get a N64. I didn't really keep up on this year's E3 (blasphemous, I know) so I'd only seen a few screens of some of the upcoming games for the 3DS. About a week or so ago, I saw the trailer for Super Mario 3D Land. My jaw hit the floor. It looks like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and the New Super Mario Bros. games made sweet, sweet love and Super Mario 3D Land is the offspring of that beautiful union. The Mario fanatic in me demands that I buy and play this game.

If anyone can make go carts and gliders work, it's Mario.
But getting a 3DS allows me to play more than Mario's latest portable platforming adventure. I'm also stoked about Mario Kart 7, which looks to be another fine handheld version of Mario Kart. Mario Kart DS was one of my favorite games in the Mario Kart series and possibly one of my all-time favorite Mario games. The trailer from the game showcases some fun looking tracks to race on, new power ups, and I've recently learned that the infamous blue shell no longer has wings, but works the same way it did in Mario Kart 64. Huzzah!

Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 already have set release dates and it's looking like both will actually make their releases this year, so I just may have to chow down on some glass like I said I would. Regardless, my anticipation for these games is high, high enough to make me want to buy a 3DS this year. Of course there are still games coming out later on that I'm looking forward to.

Luigi's Mansion gets a lot of hate I was actually a fan of it. So I was excited to hear that it's getting a sequel and on the 3DS, no less. I wonder if it will make use of the add on analog stick that's coming out, since the original game used the analog and c-stick.

Hard as the original Kid Icarus was, I did enjoy it and I even finished it's Game Boy sequel, Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters. Fans went nuts when Pit appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and they probably went even more nuts when Kid Icarus: Uprising was announced. Of Myths & Monsters was a far easier game so I don't think I'll be too miffed if Uprising isn't as hard as the original game to star Pit.

As far as third part stuff goes, I've already got my sights set on Sonic Generations. Unlike the console version, it will be a strictly 2D affair, and I don't mind that. The Sonic Rush games got a lot of praise on the DS and they were 2D speed fests.

In the long run, I'm hoping the 3DS turns out like the original. Great first and third party support. But for right now, Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 have me foaming at the mouth to get a 3DS.

1 comment:

  1. Mario Karte 7 and Mario land both these games are released and i have also got on my portal. I have purchased Nintendo 3d especial for this game. I am still waiting for new Mario series. Hope it would come at 3d level.
    r4i sdhc 3ds
