Thursday, September 29, 2011

Latest Game Purchases #13

Work is slowing down all over, which means money is getting a bit tight once again. But even a small amount of dough can net you some good deals.

The last Mega Man game I bought was Mega Man 10 and that was more than a year ago. I always wanted to pick up Mega Man Powered Up and Mega Man Maverick Hunter X but I haven't seen either of them for a long time. So the Dual UMD Pack containing both Mega Man Powered Up and Mega Man Maverick Hunter X was a no brainer for me. Saves me the trouble of tracking down two separate games. I just happened to nab GameStop's last copy and from what I've been told, they haven't been getting a great deal of them in. Better to buy now than be annoyed later when I can't find a copy. This combo pack also has the honor of being the very first PSP game I've ever purchased and I don't even own a PSP. Yet.

I'm glad I waited on buying Super Paper Mario. One of the earlier Wii titles, it's been priced at $50 new ever since it came out, with most used copies going for $34.99. With it being a Nintendo Selects title, a $20 price tag was just the right incentive to finally buy this one. That and some talk from one of the GameStop clerks that I talk with regularly. Now if I can just find Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.

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