Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sonic Through Time Figures + Tails

Jazwares has already been doing an admirable job on the Sonic figures and the line of figures for Sonic's 20th anniversary are icing on an already splendid cake. Tuesday, I picked up the 5" Sonic Through Time figures of Classic Sonic (1991) and Modern Sonic (2011) at Barns & Nobles. As to be expected, these are some awesome-looking figures, capturing the look of each Sonic's design perfectly. I just may ending up buying a second set of each of these 20th anniversary figures. I don't plan on having a set to sell or anything, but it'd be nice to have some still sealed, while the rest are displayed out of the packaging.

When I bought my Classic Sonic 3" 20th anniversary figure weeks ago, I was hoping Jazwares would put out a Classic Tails figure. I was very surprised to see just that when I went into fye. Like Classic Sonic, Classic Tails is shorter than his Modern counter part and has black eyes. Also, he's sickeningly cute. Pardon the blur on the photo as this was a serious pain to take pictures of, and I'm still learning to use digital cameras.

With all the Sonic figures, I'm buying, I really need to look into getting a display case. There's still little room to put my figures on display in my current setup and it would really be nice to have all these figures in one spot.

I know I've bought a lot of Sonic figures over the last few months, but it is the blue streak's 20th anniversary, and it's one of the best ways I can think of to celebrate. The other is writing reviews and having special blog posts.

This year also marks the anniversary of another famous icon, Mario. Yeah, Nintendo isn't making a big deal of it, but 2011 marks the plumber's 30th anniversary and I plan to celebrate it the same way I have Sonic's anniversary. So expect to see more Mario related posts in the future.

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