Thursday, November 24, 2011

Downloads #8

Today, I picked up my first DSiWare game on the eShop and I didn't pay a dime for it! Yes, it's the Legend of Zelda Four Swords Anniversary Edition.

I believe this is the third version of this particular Zelda game. It was originally a multiplayer bonus game on the Game Boy Advance version of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, going by the name Four Swords. It was later released as an updated stand alone title for the GameCube called The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. I've never played either of the previous two versions of Four Swords. Playing the GameCube version required too much (four GBAs and four link cables) and I never had any pals to owned the GBA version of a Link to the Past.

Four Swords Anniversary Edition, like the previous two, was made with multiplayer in mind, but there's also a  single player mode for those that don't have any pals handy. I'm just glade I'm finally able to play this game without the hassle of much-needed extra equipment. I've heard a lots of good things about this one and it's a nice freebie for Nintnendo to give away for the series 25th anniversary. Well, free until Feb 20, 2012, that is.

**"Virtual Console Purchases" has been changed to "Downloads" since I'll be covering more than just Nintendo's Virtual Console service. 

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