Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bacon EP

At MAGFest 7 on January 1, 2009, The Smash Brothers released Bacon EP, a six track album containing tracks from numerous popular franchises such as Castlevania, Final Fantasy and Contra. With only seven tracks and just under 30 minutes at length, the album is sadly on the short side, but it's another example of quality over quantity. Every track on this album is awesome and the short length is great for repeatedly listening.

On January 1, 2010, as a gift, The Smash Brothers re-released Bacon EP as a download for free. I had the album sitting on my computer for over a year and just recently gave it a listen and fell in love. It was nice to see U.N. Squadron, Earthbound, Lifeforce and even Dr. Mario get some love here. Bacon EP is some fantastic music to rock out to. The download version also has an exclusive bonus track that's pretty amusing. Click the link below and make this one yours.

Bacon EP

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