Monday, April 2, 2012

Videos I Like #10: Mario RPG: Rawest Forest

I moved into a new pad and due to internet being out, I was able to do any blog posts. Now that it's back up, my hiatus has ended. I've got some catching up to do so I'll start with another video post.

Do you love Super Mario RPG? Why am I even asking that? Of course you do. It's a great role playing game AND a great Mario game. It also has some splendid music. As if Yoko Shimomura's awesome Beware the Forest's Mushroom wasn't infectious enough, Martin Hagwell, aka Märta remixed it, giving it some hilariously catchy lyrics. Chris Niosi heard the remix and came up with an equally awesome flash video, dubbing it, Mario RPG: Rawest Forest. It's a fine tribute to one of my favorite Mario games and Yoko Shimomura's excellent music. I'd like to give a special thanks to my friend Tommy Wilson for directing me to this videos a few years back. It's been one of my favorites ever since. You can also download this song here.

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