Sunday, April 29, 2012

Waveform 3

I've been a fan of Joshua Morse' video game arrangements over the years. He's done splendid work on OverClocked Remix albums such as Mega Man: The Robot Museum, Heroes vs. Villains and 25YEARLEGEND among others. I haven't heard either of the previous two albums, but if Waveform 3 is any indication, I probably missed out on some fantastic compositions. Waveform 3 is a five track album consisting of totally original work. No video game remixes to be found here, but the music is so well done, I'm really not bothered by it. You get a heavy dose of chiptune awesomeness and after hearing the Pilotwings: Take Flight, I'm more convinced than ever that the world needs more chiptunes. Waveform 3 is a name-your-price download, so if you're a cheapskate (like me), you can download it for free. Or if you don't feel like downloading, you can listen to the whole album on the site linked below. Either way, you'll get to hear some awesome music.

Waveform 3

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