Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Anime/Cartoon/Comic Art #3: Spider-Man Gallery

Since The Amazing Spider-Man recenetly hit theaters, this seems as good a time as any to feature my favorite comic book super hero. Despite Marvel's dragging the character through the mud in the 616 continuitiy over the past four years (erasing his marriage to Mary Jane, lousy writing), Spidey still remains my favorite comic book character. I won't be seeing the movie in theaters so I'll just check it out when it releases on DVD. Enjoy the art. Oh and for the record, I, like many others think that costume sucks.

By Young-Art
Pencils by thekidKaos colors by thenota
By seanforney
By Young-Art
By Spacefriend-KRUNK
By archiesnow
By OmaruIndustries
By moritat
By mikemaihack
By dnz85
By Roboworks
By skottieyoung
By Cinar
By francis001
By patrickbrown
By J-Scott-Campbell
By duster132
By jusscope
By ninjaink
By thelivingmachine02
By jaymyccah
By kizer180
By nachomolina

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