Sunday, July 8, 2012

NiGHTS into dreams HD Remake in the Works

If you never had the chance to play Sonic Team's NiGHTS into dreams when it originally released on the Sega Saturn, you missed out on a truly unique game. I managed to nab a copy as well as Christmas NiGHTS about a year ago and was ever so thankful that I did. Still, if ever there was a game that needed a wider release, it was NiGHTS. Well SEGA is giving fans and those that never got the chance to experience this classic a remake that is long overdue. NiGHTS into dreams HD is coming to the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and PC this fall. It'll actually be a HD port of the PS2 version of NiGHTS that was exclusive to Japan, but hey, I'm not complaining. If you're feeling particularly nostalgic, the Saturn version will also be included. Games Radar  was kind enough to do a screenshot comparison. Take a gander at how far NiGHTS has come.

Check the trailer the trailer below.

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