Thursday, August 9, 2012

Game Art #47: Kirby Gallery

This month marks the North American and European 20th anniversary of Kirby. In honor of such a momentous occasion and because I haven't featured Kirby in this segment for some time, he's the star of this edition of Game Art. Enjoy.

By miemie-chan3
By jazaaboo
By anokazue
By vanillaDICE
By JessySketches
By CheloStracks
By Blopa1987
By torkirby
By torkirby
By VampireJaku
By VampireJaku
By inano2009
By torkirby
By DavefromAbove
Unknown Artist
By kotori
By Atyui
By Hainegom
By uinti
By Konnya
Pixiv ID
By kotori
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
By Caramel
By Caramel
By Hainegom
Unknown Artist
By sonicspinEXE
By choco-chimbu
Unknown Artist
By hoshix3


  1. That last one has some characters from Kirby's Dream Land 3, right? I really need to play more of that game.
