Monday, October 29, 2012

No Wii U at Launch for Me

When Nintendo divulged more info on the Wii U, the successor to the Wii, I, like many was thrilled. I planned to pick up a Deluxe Wii U set on launch day. The likes of Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U were two games I was very much looking forward. That's right, was. Sadly I won't be able to bask in the glory that will be Wii U launch day mania because I won't be picking the system up on day one.

So what gives? Why the change of heart? It isn't like I suddenly decided I didn't want one, though with everything I already have to play the thought of passing on the Wii U at launch crossed my mind several times. The simple face of the matter is, I didn't pre-order a Wii U when everyone started tacking pre-orders so now there's no way I'll be able to secure a console. I refuse to go from store to store, searching in vain for Nintendo's new console. And there's no way I'm gonna fork over some insane amount of cash to get one off eBay from someone that was fortunate enough to get one.

Am I disappointed that I won't be getting a Wii U? Certainly. There's nothing quite like taking part of a console's launch, being one of the gamers that owns the system on the first day. The last Nintendo console I bought at launch was the GameCube.I didn't have the GameCube pre-ordered, so I stood outside Toys before the store opened with a group of people and I still able to get a system. I picked it up with a memory card, Luigi's Mansion, Super Monkey Ball, and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II. It was very much a fun-filled Sunday afternoon, and I look back on that day with great fondness.

Much as I'd like to get a Wii U on November 18th, I just can't do it because I wasn't smart enough to pre-order one right away. The first few months of the Wii U could be the Wii all over again. Nintendo could never keep those things on the shelf. No matter what video game or electronic store I went to, the Wii was always sold out and this was when I wasn't even looking for one. Nintendo has always had name brand recognition on their side and in the six years that have followed, the Wii became a very popular house hold name. Who's to say the Wii U won't have the same smashing success?

So even though I won't be able to take part in the Wii U's launch, I still look forward to hearing stories and impressions on the games from my fellow gamers, even if reading about them may make me a bit bummed. I do hope the launch isn't crazy and people keep their cool, but desperation tends to bring out the worst in greedy folks so that may be wishful thinking. Everyone, be happy and safe on launch day. I may not be playing the Wii U but I'll still have something to keep me busy.


  1. You'll not want to read my post tomorrow about how great playing on the WiiU is.

    It is nice to get a new console on launch day but in this day and age when prices drop and bundles change so often I really don't mind waiting.

  2. Oh I'll be sure to read it anyway. I'm betting that playing the wii U is a lot of fun.
