Saturday, December 15, 2012

More Street Fighter X Mega Man Footage

We're just two days away from the start of Mega Man's 25th anniversary, which also means we're two days away from the free PC release of Street Fighter X Mega Man. Capcom Unity has released a new video with gameplay footage and some talks with the crew behind the game, including lead developer Seow Zong Hui.

Among the footage are boss fights, including one with Vega. Not only does Vega's boss chamber have a fence but like the masked fighter, Mega Man can also climb on it!

There will be four more stages after the initial eight and there's a teaser in the video on who the final boss will be. I'm guessing either Akuma or Sagat.

Street Fighter X Mega Man will be available on December 17th on Capcom Unity's Mega Man hub page.

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