Saturday, January 26, 2013

Game Art #52: Sonic Unleashed Concept Art Gallery

I was looking through wallpapers over at when I stumbled upon some gorgeous concept art for 2008's Sonic Unleashed. Sonic's quest to restore the world whole takes him all over the planet to locations like Holoska, Chun-Nan, Mazuri, and Spagonia. Sonic Unleashed is called Sonic World Adventure in Japan and each local Sonic visits is based off of a real world location. The areas in Sonic Unleashed are among my favorites in a Sonic game and they were a great change of pace after so many underwater labyrinths, factories and so on. Sure, Sonic Unleashed may not be the greatest Sonic game, but I honestly don't think it's bad either. Again, I loved the look of the levels in Sonic Unleashed and I was amazed  at how detailed the concept art for this game was. The game is more than four years old and I can't believe I'm just now seeing this art. This art focuses heavily on the environments and backgrounds but they look so breath-taking. Each piece is also big enough to make a nice sized desktop wallpaper. Enjoy.

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