Saturday, March 23, 2013

DuckTales Remastered! Woo-hoo!

DuckTales was one of the best things to come from Disney. Even the NES game based off the show was solid and is fondly remembered to this day. Well it's been over 20 years but DuckTales on the NES is coming back a brand new paint job. Developed by Wayforward, DuckTales Remastered gives the NES classic new visuals and new content like new levels voice work from the original cast. It's a dream come true for DuckTales fans and I could not be anymore excited. You can read more on DuckTales Remastered here.

Come Summer 2013, DuckTales Remastered will be available on the eShop, PSN and XBLA.


  1. DuckTales the game, huh? I never got to try it out for myself, but I've heard more than a few good things about it (and IIRC, some of the guys at OC Remix have done some remixes, so I'll assume it's got some great music). I'll have to give this one a look later on.

    Till then, I can only hope that there are race cars, lasers, and airplanes there in Duckburg. Though I could do without history being rewritten...

  2. You never played DuckTales? You simply must get this game when it hits this Summer. It was some of the best treasure hunting action on the NES. And you could use Scrooge's cane as a pogo stick!

  3. They better make a good job remixing the music. As good as the game is by itself, THE one thing which stood out in the original was the music.
