Friday, June 14, 2013

E3 2013 Afterthoughts

Well another E3 has come and gone. Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft have laid their cards down on the table for all of us to get a good look at. We "Oooooed," we "Ahhhheeed," we "Boooed." I think E3 hit every emotion in the world. As per usual, here are my afterthoughts of the event.


Weeks ago, Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One and the response was overwhelming negative. The focus on gaming was practically non existence as Microsoft execs went on and on about TV. Those ugly rumors about always online DRM and blocking used games once again came about. Then, last Friday, Microsoft canceled their pre E3 press conference and divulged even more details about the Xbox One. The reason for Microsoft canceling their pre E3 press conference became apparent when our worst fears were brought to light. Borrowing games is out and ditto for used games. An constant connection is required to play games and you must check in every 24 hours. On top of that, every game needs to be installed. Microsoft knew they were going to cause a major crap storm so they went ahead and got the very bad out of the way.

As for the good? Well, the 360 is getting some exclusives. There's Halo 5, Fable 4, Forza Motorsport 5, you know the usual suspects. What isn't so usual are some of the other exclusives coming out for the console like a new Killer Instinct, but it isn't being made by Rare. The company developing the new Killer Instinct, Double Helix, has an awful track record so that doesn't make anyone feel good about the game. Of course, Microsoft says the team is passionate about making this new Killer Instinct. Visually, it looks jaw-dropping and retains series staples like ultra combos. But that free 2 play nonsense is a major deal breaker. Microsoft also landed Dead Rising 3 as an exclusive, which is sure to annoy fans of the first two games. Mirror's Edge 2 is also Xbox One bound as is Beyond Good & Evil 2.

The real problem with the Xbox One is that even with these exclusives, it really is hard to see any good because Microsoft has a noose that is constantly around your neck. You really don't own any of the games for the system and if you lose your connection, you're screwed. Is playing any of these exclusives really worth the harsh practices Microsoft wishes to enforce upon those who choose to go with the Xbox One? For me, they are most certainly not worth the trouble.


If you want to declare a winner of E3, you could arguably say Sony won. The reveal of the PlayStation 4's design was met with applause and it's packing some nice power under the hood, even moreso than than Xbox One. But we all know specs don't mean jack without some good games to back it up and Sony looks to deliver the goods on that front. We can also look forward to Killzone: Shadow Fall, Infamous Second Son and finally, Kingdom Hearts III. Sure, it's headed for the Xbox One but with the PS4, I can't see why anyone would even bother getting it for Microsoft's platform. Ditto for Final Fantasy XV, which is the renamed, reworked version of Final Fantasy Versus XIII and I gotta say, I was very impressed by that trailer.

As for the design of the PS4, well, I really like it.Yes, it's another black console but it's sleek and sexy. I know some may not be down with the "eraser" design but I give Sony points for going with something a bit different. And as for the $399 price? Well it's a little up there, I admit but it's cheaper than the Xbox One and it looks like Sony will once again be selling PS4's at a loss but it sure beats five hundred and ninety nine US dollars.

What really excites me about the PS4 is the way you'll be going about playing your friends games. That is to say, the same age old way we've always done. In a hilarious sucker punch to Microsoft, Sony rolled out a 30 second ad, detailing how sharing games on the PS4 would work in one easy step. Place the game in the borrower's hands and it's all done. I've never felt so overjoyed at the thought that I'll be able to continue doing something I've been doing for years. Bravo, Sony, bravo.

With the inevitable reveal of the PS4, I feared all of Sony's focus would shift to their successor. Thankfully, Sony still plans to support the PS3. The footage I saw of Puppeteer was enough to mark it on my list of must buy titles when I do get around to purchasing a PS3. If you need another racing sim, Gran Turismo 6 has you covered. I was a bit surprised to find that GT6 is headed to the PS3 rather than the PS4, but since the PS3 will be cheaper, I certainly don't mind.

One could be bummed out about online play no longer being free on the PS4, but you get so much good stuff like free games with PlayStation Plus and it's a heck of a lot cheaper than an Xbox Live subscription.

I wish Sony had showered as much attention on the PS Vita as they did the PS3 and PS4. They said the Vita has a lot of games and that they'll continue to build up it's library of games for the handheld. But it came off as a very nonchalant "by the way" thing. They didn't even have any games to show off for the Vita at their press conference. It's like they couldn't care less about the struggling handheld .


Nintendo's E3 Nintendo Direct is what Sony's press conference should have been on the Vita. The Wii U may be struggling, but at least it's apparent that Nintendo give's a rat's butt about the system and is clearly trying to support it. Haters bemoan Nintendo for relying on so many of it's existing IPs but Nintendo's long established franchises are some of the best out there, so you'll never find me going boo to them. For some gamers, some of Nintendo's momentum was stalled since many of these titles were announced during previous Nintendo Direct videos, but it personally wasn't for me since this was actually the first time I'd heard news of any of these titles, meaning I really need to stay more up to date on the news.

Super Mario 3D World is based off of the gameplay style of the 3DS's Super Mario 3D Land. I was honestly a bit underwhelmed by the trailer for this one but that changed as footage of Luigi was shown. I took note of his Super Mario Bros. 2 jumping. Then Peach was shown, using her float from the aforementioned game. Now I was really getting intrigued! Peach! And she floats! OK, where is Toad?! Toad! He's blue! Yes! The Wii U's Super Mario 3D World has 4 player multiplayer with characters that play just as they did in the NES classic that is often viewed as the series black sheep. I couldn't believe it. If 3D World is the closest we get to another Super Mario Bros. 2, I'm fine with that. Chargin' Chuck is even making a comeback in this game! I never thought I'd be so happy to see an enemy I hate.

I a bit surprised to see Nintendo is rolling out another Mario Kart so soon after Mario Kart 7. Mario Kart 8 retains some of the previous game's mechanics like gliding but a new addition is driving on walls. No matter how much Blue Shells make me rage, I'm always up for driving around those crazy courses with Mario and pals.

Good to see Retro Studios is hard at work on another Donkey Kong Country. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze brings back the famous Kong duo, along with Diddy's girlfriend, Dixie. The trailer showed off swimming sections, which were completely absent in Donkey Kong Country Returns. No signs of being able to control Diddy or Dixie in single player mode were shown, but I hope it's possible.

Of course the game, I'm really excited about on the Wii U and 3DS is the upcoming Super Smash Bros. After being announced almost two years ago, we finally had a trailer to see. And what a trailer it was! Mario appears to have a new flash kick move and some new participants are joining the fray. The Wii Fit Trainer is bringing her unique fitness style of fighting into the ring and the pack rat known as the Villager from Animal Crossing looks like one of the funnest characters to play as. But the big surprise came when a familiar blue robot stepped out of the shadows, held up his arm cannon and let the world know he was ready to fight. Yes, Virginia, Mega Man is going to be in the new Super Smash Bros. and he's just as cute and deadly as ever.

Overall, I feel this year's E3 was much better than last years and the last several for that matter. I haven't been this excited about an E3 in quite some time. I'm really looking forward to the PS4, Puppeteer, Super Smash Bros. and Super Mario 3D World. Exciting times are definitely ahead for us gamers.

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