Monday, December 23, 2013

Latest Purchases #63

Super Mario 3D World has the honor of being the very first Wii U game I've ever owned. Ironically, it's one that I didn't actually pick up with my own money. I'm a designated trainer at my job and each quarter, your name is entered into a drawing to win a prize. As luck would have it, my name was drawn and I got the option to have the company pay for any one item between $50 or $100 at select stores and thankfully, one of those stores was Best Buy. After seeing that second trailer of 3D World, I had to have this game. Not just because I love Mario games in general, but this game brought back so much from Super Mario Bros. 2, one of my favorite Marios. For me, getting 3D World was a no brainer and it makes for a nice early Christmas gift. Now I just need to get a Wii U so I can play the darn thing.

Rhythm Heaven Fever. I have wanted this game ever since I read about it in a preview of Nintendo Power (RIP) and it convinced me to pick of the DS game Rhythm Heaven. The regular retail price of Rhythm Heaven Fever is $29.99, but K-Mart was selling it for $9.99, their last copy, I might add. Yoink!

I've never owned  Santa hat but when I saw these at Wallgreens, I just had to have one. That and wearing the Jingle Hat in Animal Crossing: New Leaf really sold me on having one of my own. I plan to wear it when I spend Christmas with my family in a few days.

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