Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Latest Purchases #64

Well my vaccation pay finally came and it was just in time for me to make a few final purchases before 2013  ended. Yes, this is being posted on the first of 2014, but the fact is, I bought these in 2013.

I am one full console generation late, but I at long last have a PlayStation 3. I went for the slim 120 GB model. It isn't backwards compatible, so that kinda sucks, but I didn't see much point in springing for a 60 GB fat model even though it can play my PS2 games. I just decided to keep the PS2 hooked up for my PS2 gaming needs. I would have liked to purchase a new PS3, but the bundles on those cost more than I was willing to pay and I don't mind owning a used PS3. Even though it is the slim model, it feels pretty heavy and takes up a sizable amount of space when it's laying flat. It didn't come with a stand so I may pick one up so I can conserve some space.

In retrospect, I'm really glad I waited to purchase a Wii U. Not only did I benefit from a price drop and there being more games available for the system, but I the Mario & Luigi Deluxe Set is a really cool bundle deal. $300 and two included? Not a bad deal. I would play New Super Mario Bros. U first, but Super Mario 3D World was calling me and I just had to pick up that phone. I think the game is amazing, but that's no big surprise there.

Closing out 2013 by  picking up a Wii U and a PS3. Pretty nice way to end the year if I do say so myself. Kicking off the year by spending hours with both systems? Excellent way to kick off the year. 

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