Monday, July 14, 2014

Latest Purchases #72

Once again, this haul is something that I picked up a few weeks ago, before my birthday in fact (July 2, in case you wondered). Well it isn't as if I bought this stuff months ago. Still, I really should have had this post up a lot sooner.

I've never played any games in the Yakuza series, but I've heard good things about them, so I told myself I'd give them a whirl if I could ever find a few copies. Sure enough, my local GameStop had Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4 used and complete at very decent prices. The discs are in great shape to boot.

Speaking of decent prices, I was able to cop a used copy of Grand Theft Auto IV The Complete Edition for under $14 with my discount at GameStop. The disc has a little wear, which worries me a bit, but I want to have faith that those scratches won't cause me any problems when I start playing the game, whenever that may be.

I've been considering getting some sort of cover for my Wii U GamePad but sadly, this cover is only for travel uses, which will come in handy whenever I'm transporting my system to a friends place or something. I thought I could put this cover on the GamePad when it's charging, but this unfortunately is not the case. Oh well.

Outside of work, I've never really been a hat person, but with all the bike riding I've been doing, I thought it might help to start buying some to keep that pesky sun out of my eyes. And what better thing to pimp on one's forehead than the Trirforce logo from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword? I just wish the bill on this hat were more flexible but the hat does it's job, looks really great, so its hard for me to complain.

I've only seen about two episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I loved them and I've heard people say this series is amazing. So when I saw all three series books on sale at fye for $12.99 each, I had to have them. I'm currently watching a ton of anime on Netflix so I'll need to set some time aside to watch this whole series. I definitely want to get in more than two or three episodes in a day when I start watching.

The LEGO Movie. I don't think I've mentioned it in this blog, but when I was growing up, LEGO was like, my favorite toy to play with. So the idea of a movie based off of my favorite childhood toy was a no brainer for me. I've only watched it once this far, but I love this movie. The script is gold with so many laugh out loud moments and the message about one's uniqueness and individuality doesn't come across as preachy or forced. The animation is also quite good and I loved seeing the various different LEGO sets and figures that the movie used.

Lastly, I got my hands on a black Nun chuck. These things tend to cost less than Wii Remotes, new or used and I've been meaning to pick up some extras. Now I just need a black Wii Remote, to go with it.

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