Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Game Art #70: Super Smash Bros. Gallery

With Super Smash Bros. hitting the 3DS on October 3 and the game having already spread like wildfire with it's Japanese release on September 13, I'd say its high time we once again represent some fan art of one of gaming's most beloved cross over series, Super Smash Bros.

By mivion
By Koineko
Pixiv ID
By Korokoro
By Cosmos
Pixiv ID
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By xeternalflamebryx
By xeternalflamebryx
By Juliana Chen
By Juliana Chen

By Juliana Chen
By Juliana Chen
By Juliana Chen
By ss2sonic
By ss2sonic
By Nagi
By youmask
By Tom Brown
Pixiv ID
Pixiv ID
By Yukichiko
Pixiv ID
Pixiv ID
By bone
Pixiv ID
By Mirin.
Pixiv ID
Pixiv ID
By Nagisa
By Aura
By SmashToons

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