Monday, June 20, 2016

Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Remix Album

Sonic the Hedgehog turns 25 on Tuesday. Whether  you still enjoy Sonic's company or think he's a relic that needs to be forgotten, Sonic has managed to endure when many gaming franchises have been cast to the wayside. To kick off Sonic's 25th anniversary on Gaming Rocks on, here are some splendid Sonic tunes for your listening pleasure in the form of the Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Remix Album. 

From Audio Sprite, spanning six months of hard work, this album covers 25 tracks form Sonic's long history These arrangements don't stray far from the source material making for some easy and very enjoyable listening. And I should know. I've already listen to the album twice in a row before posting this.

The album covers a variety of genres like funk, rock, and orchestral. You may be expecting the Green Hill arrangement as well as one for Chemical Plant. And you're right, both of those songs are represented. But Audio Sprite also pays tribute to the lesser known Sonic tracks as well. Lava Powerhouse (Sonic Spinball), Sunset Park Act 3 (Sonic Triple Trouble), Final Egg (Sonic Adventure) and Secret Base (Sonic Advance) to name a few. Its always treat when artists give lesser appreciated tracks some love.

Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Remix Album is available as free (name your price) download.

Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Remix Album

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