Monday, November 28, 2016

UNDERTALE: The Untouched Radio

Another Undertale remix album? Why, yes, it is. It even says so on the album cover. Speaking of which, isn't that some badawesome album art? That right there is the kinda stuff that intrigues someone from the get go. Had I never heard of Undertale, I would still be inclined to at least see what this album was about based off the artwork alone. Thankfully, the arrangements in UNDERTALE: The Untouched Radio are just as amazing as the cover art.

Remixed by DM DOKURO, this name your price digital album is a companion album to UNDERTALE: The Underground Radio that released earlier this year. This music in Untouched Radio would have been included with Underground Radio but time constraints ultimately split the album in two. DM DOKURO's remixes sound like they would fit right in with the official Undertale Soundtrack. The man does place his own take on each track, but you can still hear the original theme in these tracks.

At 20 tracks, this UNDERTALE: The Untouched Radio clocks in at over over an hour's worth of music. This baby is available in multiple formates including MP3, FLAC, WAV and numerous others. It is set at a name your price download, so you can get it for free. But if you want to throw some money towards it, DM DOKURO is certainly more than deserving of it.

UNDERTALE: The Untouched Radio

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