Thursday, April 20, 2017

If SNES Mini Becomes a Thing, Here are the Games I'd Like to See

Even though Nintendo has done an absolutely horrendous job of supplying retailers with enough units, that doesn't make the NES Classic Edition any less of a great little machine. The last shipments go out to US retailers this month and the system is being discontinued. Rumors are going around that Nintendo has its sights set on releasing a minature version of the SNES so if it does become a thing, here are some games, I'd love to see in the little box.

Super Mario World

Come now, you just know this game would have to be included. It would be criminal to omit it. For a lot of fans, Super Mario World is the pinnacle of 2D Super Mario games and arguably, Super Mario games in general and it isn't hard to see why. Super Mario World has some of the best controls of any platformer, which it implements greatly with the use of the Cape Feather power up and dino buddy, Yoshi. The level design is super polished and there are often times where there is more than one stage exit and finding the hidden route unlocks more courses. With seven worlds and a total of 96 level exits, Super Mario World is no small game, but if you want to cut corners, the game can be finished quite quickly. It rewards both the speedy and the player that like to see everything the game has to offer.

Mega Man X

The first Mega Man game on the SNES may not have been the Mega Man fans were expecting but dang, if he wasn't the Mega Man we never knew we wanted. Mega Man X has the same formula as the Classic series but spices things up by having you make X become stronger through the use of finding hidden armor parts that give him new abilities like the dash, an X-Buster enahcnement that lets him charge his special weapons, Heart Tanks for increasing health because trying to get through this game with that tiny life bar is an major uphill battle and reusable Sub-Tanks. Mega Man X also sports some really cool stage designs and a few of them change depending on where or not you've beaten some of the bosses. With a killer soundtrack, memorable bosses and one of the coolest side characters ever, Mega Man X is a SNES masterpiece.

Super Metroid

If Metroid Prime is the best of what 3D Metroid has to offer, then Super Metroid is Metroid in it's finest 2D hour. Even though the game can be completed in under three hours, planet Zebes is still a massive world to explore even if you aren't trying to fill out the game map entirely. No matter how many times I slay Ridley (dude is the cockroach that refuses to stay dead in the Metroid series), or get the Screw Attack, Super Metroid is always an incredible adventure for me. Which reminds me, I need to pick this game up off the Wii U eShop.


If you want a good example of why sprites have aged better than polygons, look no further than Axelay. This is an early SNES title and it still looks mighty impressive and I don't just mean those mode 7 effects, although they are stunning. Axelay side scrolling levels are just as much as a marvel as the mode 7 scrolling stages thanks to excellent attention to detail Konami packed into the background visuals. Yes, I'm gushing all over the graphics, but the parts of the game where you fly around, shooting stuff is pretty awesome, too. You get to switch between a set of three different weapons, and your fire power can be powered up on all of them, but when you take damage, your weapons will be weakened. This also functions as a life meter of sorts, so you don't die in one hit. Throw in some impressive bosses and a very memorable soundtrack and you've got one of the SNES's best shooters.

Final Fantasy IV & VI

Two of the greatest RPGs of the 16-bit era, these games were originally released as Final Fantasy II and III respectively. While you could argue that better JRPGs and games in the Final Fantasy series have been released since Final Fantasy IV, the game still did a lot for the series like introducing the active time battle system and a lot more drama. Sure, the story could get cliche and hammy at times, but that stuff is also part of the reason Final Fantasy IV is so adored. Final Fantasy VI is considered by many to be the best game in the entire franchise. The game has one of the biggest, most developed cast of characters but they kinda get overshadowed by the Kefka, the psycho clown who slowly rises to power to become the game's big bad, bringing ruin to the world. Oh, sorry, spoilers. I'd include V, but Square Enix has yet to release a translation of the SNES version.

Donkey Kong Country 1-3

Yes, yes, we all know Donkey Kong Country 2 is the best of the SNES trilogy and Donkey Kong Country 3 is often seen as the tag along kid, but the first DKC game is still good and I'd argue that DKC2 wouldn't be as great as it is if not for what Rare learned when making the first game. And DKC3 is still a solid platformer. The DKC trilogy helped keep the SNES relevant at a time where CD based systems and 3D graphics were becoming the next big thing in gaming. Not only did these games look great (for the time), they played great and they still hold up.

Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts

The NES Classic Edition had Ghosts 'n Goblins, a sadistically cruel  port of the arcade version, which was already hard enough as it was. Giving the SNES Mini Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, another game in the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise that's really freaking hard seems only natural. But as tough as Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts it, it has some things going for it that make it more tolerable than the first game. Arthur can double jump, collect gold armor to give himself an extra hit before he's reduced to running around in his underwear, and all of his weapons can be upgrade to give the knight some major fire power. It still has that BS that makes you go through the game twice to get the true ending, but Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts is less likely to make you punch holes in your walls.

Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting

Street Fighter II has seen a number of upgrades but Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting is widely considered to be one of, if not the most balanced fighting games ever made. If you missed out on Champion Edition back in the day, the big draw of Hyper Fighting was being to play as the four bosses, Balrog, Vega, Sagat and Bison. Oh and that subtitle ain't blown smoke. The speed of Turbo is fast and if that isn't enough for you, Capcom included a code to make the fighting speed even aster. Hyper Fighting indeed. The SNES version of of Turbo is a fantastic port.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

What many fans hail the best Zelda game, A Link to the Past has you exploring two worlds of Light and Dark, often switching between the two. Not at all unlike, 2013's A Link Between Worlds, which can be seen as a sequel or sorts to this very game. Besides giving Link pink hair and the much needed and appreciated ability to move in eight directions, A Link to the Past, introduced some key items like the ultra cool Hook Shot, which has gone on to be used in pretty much every Zeld title since. Sure, A Link to the Past has that one annoying boss in the form of Moldorm and the Ice Temple can go screw itself, but this game really does deserve all the accolades it has received.


Running a city is no easy task. Believe me, I know. It is the only job I've been fired from. SimCity is available on other platforms, but the SNES version is unlike any other. You've got some soothing, catchy music composed by Soyo Oka that changes to suit the current state of your city. Instead of Godzilla appearing to wreak havoc on your city, Bowser comes in to demolish your hard work. I get the feeling Pac-Man, Galaga and Donkey Kong were included for the impact they had on gaming so SimCity could also be included for the same reason. That and SNES SimCity is really freakin' fun.

Super Bomberman 1-2

For good old SNES multiplayer mayhem, you cannot beat the first two Super Bomberman entries. Nothing quite like trapping your friends in a corner with a bomb and watching the squirm as the seconds count down before their inevitable doom. Super Bomberman R brought Bomberman back into the spotlight and his older titles have been getting digital re-releases so bringing some of his SNES adventures back would be a pretty safe bet.

Contra III: The Alien Wars

For a lot of fans, Contra III is the pinnacle of the series. While the alien forces have always been a threat in previous entries, they really showed that they meant business in this SNES title with them nuking a city in the intro and throwing dozens of mini bosses in the side scrolling levels. What other game lets you ride on missiles while taking down a boss? If there is another one that let's you do it, I doubt it is anywhere near as freaking cool as Contra III.

Final Fight 1-3

Sometimes you just gotta walk right and punch the crap out of everyone that gets in your way. Anyone stupid enough to abduct Mike Haggar's daughter, former pro wrestler and the greatest politician ever, pretty much deserves every last ounce of pain dealt to them. True, the first Final Fight is a watered down port of the arcade version and Final Fight 2 and 3 were made exclusively for the SNES. They may not bring anything new to the beat 'em up genre but there is some fun to be had with Haggar and company.

Chrono Trigger

An RPG that features time travel that's easy to follow, no random battles, a really cool battle system and one of the greatest video game soundtracks of all time make Chrono Trigger a SNES classic. If you're new to RPGs and don't feel like investing 60 hours into a game, you're in luck. Chrono Trigger can be completed in about 25 hours or less without taking on the game's numerous side quests. Although this game has been released on numerous platforms including the PS and DS, for a lot of fans, the SNES version is still the preferred one.

Panel de Pon

When this game originally arrived on American shores in 1996, it was titled Tetris Attack, which was strange since it bore no similarity to Tetris whatsoever. The name change was an attempt to get people to give the game a look. To this end, Lip and all her friends were kicked out like a tenant late on the rent and Yoshi, Poochy and the gang moved in. Regardless of the name, this is one highly intense, addictive puzzle game and it would be nice to have the unaltered version get an American release. Nintendo could just leave the game in Japanese and release it here. It wouldn't be the first time they've re-released a game with Japanese text in the west.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

If you haven't guessed by now, the SNES was an RPG machine. Before Square parted ways with Nintendo, they teamed with them to help make Super Mario RPG, the plumber's first foray into the genre. While boasting numerous RPG elements such as turn based battles and leveling up, there were plenty of Super Mario staples such as platforming, hitting ? Blocks (even some hidden ones) and Warp Pipes a-plenty. All enemies on the field could be seen so you could avoid battles if you wanted but the combat system was pretty fun, using timed attacks to increase or damage dealt or decrease income damage. The writing for Super Mario RPG is also pretty hilarious and to this day, fans desperately want to see Mallow and Geno return.

Super Castlevania IV

Long before the series went all Metroidy, Castlevania was a more traditional action platformer with lots of whip action. It was also really dang hard and while Super Castlevania IV is viewed a one of the easier non Metrovania games, it can still heat up in plenty of places. It helps that Simon Belmont now sports eight way whipping and can slightly influence the direction of his jumps and the overall experinces is far more fun than frustrating. Whoever decided to use the whip to help with platforming deserves a medal.

Goof Troop

Capcom was able to re-release six of the Disney Afternoon shows on the PS4, XBO and PC so Goof Troop being brought back out is certainly a possibility. Working with very limited inventory space and an overhead view, Goof Troop let's you take cotnrol of Goof or Max as they go off to rescue Pete and PJ who were taken by pirates. This 16-bit gem is filled with lots of puzzles to solve and even more pirates to bash. Goof has the strength while Max has the speed and you'd be wise to make good use of both character's attributes in co-op play. Or just bash each other over the head with pots. 'Cuz you can totally do that.


"Genesis does what Nintendon't," SEGA proclaimed with their memorable and aggressive ads. The Genesis might have had a faster processor but the SNES was hardly a snail and F-ZERO is proof of this. F-ZERO showed off some the SNES highly impressive mode-7 technology, creating an incredible sense of speed and pseudo 3D movement. This game introduced many to Captain Falcon and locals like Mute City, Port Town and Sand Ocean. Originally a launch title for the system, F-ZERO still holds up remarkably well.

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