Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why Did Homeworld Cover Up the Shattering of Pink Diamond?

Oh man, the Steven Universe one hour special, Wanted this past Monday was amazing! It kicked off season five with a bang! Lars got some much needed character development (along with a change in skin color), we were introduced to some new characters and we finally, finally saw Homeworld after the name was dropped a gazillion times across four seasons. As great as it was to see the new bunch of friends Steven and Lars made (I really like the off color Gems), the episode that really got me noggin going was The Trial.

Throughout much of season one for Steven Universe Rose Quartz is built up by the Crystal Gems as if she were this perfect being that could do no wrong. Her status was so great that it has given Steven doubts about living up to her outstanding reputation. As season two and three go on, we come to find out that she's far from perfect, being  flawed as anyone else. While we've know that Jasper has been wanting to tear her a new one since The Return in season one, it isn't until near the end of season three in Earthlings and Back to the Moon that we find out why Jasper hates Rose so much: she shattered Pink Diamond. At least, this is what werelead to believe.

The episode The Trial dropped some startling revelations on us. Not only did Rose not shatter Pink Diamond, it is heavily implied that her murder was an inside job. Fans are already theorizing who shattered Pink Diamond and as much as I want to know who the culprit was, I really want to know "why" The why has me more stumped than the who. Why would one of the Diamonds kill one of their own and why Pink?

If we look at the murals of each Diamond, we can see how many planets each one has. White posses the most of any, followed by Yellow, then Blue and finally Pink with just one planet under her belt, the Earth. That leads me to believe she could have been the youngest of the Diamonds and therefore, had the least experience. I know Gems don't age so when I say "youngest" she could have been the last of the Diamonds to be made and since she only had one colony to her name, I don't think that is a bad guess to make, unless all four Diamonds were made at the same time, assuming someone made them at all. Point is, if you were going to eliminate someone for whatever reason, you'd want to get rid of your weakest link, which could very well have been Pink Diamond.

When Pink was shattered the Rebellion had already been going on four hundreds of years. Was it possible that Pink was having a change of heart? Could she have come to develop a fondness for human life in her time taking humans from Earth and placing them in her own personal Zoo? This crossed my mind but  there's still so little we know about her that it isn't high on my list of reasons as to why she was taken out.

As for why Homeworld sought to cover up the fact that they had Pink Diamond shattered, I've got at least one clear cut reason. Homeworld is a highly advanced planet that has got to contain countless Gems. Howeverm there are also Gem controlled planets, meaning those planets also are inhabited by Gems. If word got out that one of the Diamonds shattered Pink, the fallout would be huge. Do you think the Gems on Homworld and all the other Gem controlled planets would just about about their merry way knowing a member of the Diamond Authority was shanked by a fellow member? Keep in mind, Pink Diamond was shattered during a war. No doubt many soldiers fighting on the side of the Diamonds and Homeworld would call into question why they would side with anyone that has no problem taking out such a high ranking member of their society. The Diamonds are pretty powerful to be sure. Garnet has made it clear on multiple occasions that she does not wanna mess with the Diamonds. A small, left over group of rebels would stand little chance against the Diamonds. But a bunch of planets worth of rebels? That is a mess the Diamonds would not even wanna try to clean up.

In Dragon Ball, the Saiyans served Freeza but he exterminated the majority of them because he feared they could be a threat to him and the possibility of a Super Saiyan rising from their ranks frightened him. Turns out his fears would perfectly valid. When Pink was shattered the Rebellion had already been going on four hundreds of years. Was it possible that Pink was having a change of heart? Could she have come to develop a fondness for human life in her time taking humans from Earth and placing them in her own personal Zoo? The Trial has given us such a good mystery and I can't wait to see how it unfolds.

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