Sunday, September 10, 2017

Favorite Tunes #196: Brought to You by the Letter S

Yes, yes, I am fully aware that this Favorite Tunes is up on a Sunday. The reason for this is because I already had a post made out for Saturday and I didn't want to do two posts in one day. So, the weekly selection of music got bumped to Sunday.

Swampy Caverns - Super Metroid (SNES)

Are you ready for Samus to jump back into action next Friday? I can't wait to pick up my copy of Metroid: Samus Returns and see just how much the game improves upon the original. I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of Super Metroid but many would make the argument that the game really doesn't need it. I find this piece of music to be chilling, yet relaxing.

Into the Thick of It - Secret of Mana (SNES)

In case you haven't heard, Secret of Mana is getting a much deserved remake that will release next year. The game was a SNES favorite of mine and it's nice to see it get included on the SNES Classic Edition. Pity that many probably won't be able to get their hands on one, but forget that noise and listen to this exquisite track. There are dozens of other greats in this wonderful game.

Ocean Palace - Sonic Heroes (GCN, PS2, XB, PC)

As I sit down to write out this week's Favorite Tunes, I realize that we've got quite a few games that begin with the letter S. I promise it was not intentional. Depending on whom you ask, Sonic Heroes is either a good entry in Sonic's 3D history or where things started to go off the rails. I really should put the game through it's paces some time. I heard the music a few years ago and wasn't really sold on it but gave it another listen and it has really grown on me.

The Poets I - Streets of Rage 3 (GEN)

The popular opinion is that Streets of Rage and Streets of Rage 2's soundtracks are better than Streets of Rage 3's. While I have to admit that I find the music of the first two games standing out in my mind more (though this is also due to the third game being needlessly tougher outside of Japan), Streets of Rage 3 still has fine music regardless. When I get around to making my Streets of Rage playlist, you'd best believe this track is getting a spot on the list.

Ground Scaravich Stage - Mega Man X6 (PS)

Mega Man X6 is a text book definition of a rushed game. It was released in 2001, the exact same year that Mega Man X5 was released. The translation is horrid, the story sucks and the level design is some of the worst in the entire Mega Man franchise, if not the worst. The one saving grace is the exceptional soundtrack. In spite of the repetitive nature of Ground Scaravich's level theme, I find myself liking this high energy tune a lot.

Mid Boss Mayhem - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (NS)

When word got out that Mario would be doing a crossover game with the Rabbids, many were skeptical. These worries, however, were unwarranted because Mario + Rabbids turned out to be a very fun, inviting strategy game. Even if games in this genre aren't your bag, you should still check this game out. You're think hard, laugh out loud and really love Grant Kirkhope's music.

Favorite Tunes Database

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