Saturday, January 27, 2018

Favorite Tunes #212: Space Cuba, Here We Come!

I hope you're ready to rock because this week we've got a health does of that genre. I've also thrown in some chiptunes for good measure.

Dancing Mad -arrange- - Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade (ARC)

What is there to say about Kefka that hasn't already been said? He's arguably the greatest villain in the history of the Final Fantasy franchise. His final battle them, Dancing Mad is a four movement piece. While having all of it arranged for the arcade version of Dissidia Final Fantasy would have been nice, if they were going to take one movement and turn it into a metal track, I can't argue with them using the fourth movement. It is so head bangingly awesome.

Stage 2- Metal Storm (NES)

Reverse gravity mechanics. One minute you're on the floor, the next, you're on the ceiling. Lots of games uses this for a level or two, then never go back to it. If you're looking for a retro game that further explores this, Metal Storm has you covered. The entirety of the game revolves around shifting gravity. Metal Storm was also one of those very rare cases of having North American box art that was just as rad as the Japanese version.

Password - Bionic Commando (GB)

Capcom's Bionic Commando series is more known for on the NES release and later HD incarnations a la Rearmed, but there were two entries on the old GB. Despite sharing the same name as the NES version, Bionic Commando is not the same title. Man, this sure is some cheery password music. Along with themes created just for this version of Bionic Commando, you'll also hear GB arrangements of NES pieces.

Steam Gardens (Wood Kingdom) - Super Mario Odyssey (NS) 

I know I've placed music from Super Mario Odyssey in Favorite Tunes a lot but that's because in spite of the game's faults (I'll be touching on that in an upcoming editorial) I really do love this game and its soundtrack. I have always been a fan of Koji Kondo's compositions. He doesn't compose music for games nearly as much as he used to but every once in a while, he'll write a few songs for a Mario game. This fan favorite just happens to be one of the few tracks he wrote for Odyssey

Whoa I'm in Space Cuba - Mighty Switch Force! (3DS, Wii U)

Mighty Switch Force! allows you to control when blocks are transparent or solid, creating platforms, pathways over otherwise impossible walkways, and of course, splatting enemies like a bug on windshield. Just look at the title of this track. You haven't even clicked on it yet and you know it is gonna be awesome.

Conquest (Flames) - Fire Emblem Warriors (NS, 3DS)

I'm still playing catch up when it comes to buying games for the Switch. As such, I've yet to get Fire Emblem Warriors. You could probably argue that the crew from this franchise is a better fit for the Dynasty Warriors treatment that Link and company. I just started listening to this game's soundtrack. I had a strong feeling it was gonna be good, I just didn't know how good. I don't know who had the brilliant idea it was to give Conquest a rock arrange, but whatever they are being payed, it is not enough.

Favorite Tunes Database

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