Saturday, March 31, 2018

Favorite Tunes #221: Body Rock

For the final installment of March's Favorite Tunes, we've got music from the 8th or 9th installment of Dynasty Warriors, depending on what side of the world you live on, a catchy jam from one of the WariorWare entries, Gradius music and one of it's acid trip spin off titles.

Red Storm Infection - Dynasty Warriors 9 (PS4, XBO, PC)

The Dynasty Warriors games aren't known for being deep by any means. Their hack and slash nature makes them pretty shallow, but sometimes, you just wanna turn your brain off when playing a game and with the right choice of characters (such as those from The Legend of Zelda or Fire Emblem), they can make for some good old fashion, mindless fun. Even if you have no interest in checking out the core Dynasty Warriors games, you should at least hear the soundtracks, especially if you're a fan of any kind of rock, cheese, butt or otherwise. You won't be disappointed.

Cycle Patition - Pulseman (GEN)

If you had the short lived SEGA Channel, you could play Pusleman, a standout platformer for that was only released in Japan. The game was later given wider exposure by being available for purchase on the now dead Wii Shop Channel as a Virtual Console title. Thankfully, I grabbed that sucker years ago but I do hope Pulseman gets another form of release. The outstanding soundtrack was done by none other than Jun

Body Rock - WariorWare D.I.Y. (DS)

One of the more ambitious titles in the series, D.I.Y. let players make their own micro games, four page mini comics as well as create original music. The game was like the return of the much loved SNES Mario Paint but with even more options. I cannot believe this song didn't get a remix in Super Smash Bros. on Wii U/3DS. Well, they can fix this for the upcoming Switch game.

The World to Win - Kirby: Triple Deluxe (3DS)

I watched rabbidluigi's Top 5 Kirby Games feature and I've got to agree with him on one particular thing: the Kirby games are very consistent in quality. Triple Deluxe is far and away from being one of my favorite Kirby titles, but there is no way I could ever call it bad or even mediocre. It isn't on the level of Return to Dream Land or Planet Robobot but it's still a solid game. This theme, thankfully, made it into the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. Hopefully it comes back in Smash for the Switch.

Burning Heat (Stage 1 BGM) - Gradius II (ARC)

If you're looking for a shooter that will test your skill as well as your sanity, Gradius II is the SHMUP for you. Dying at certain parts of some levels can make progressing almost impossible since you lose all your power ups and the old fashioned Gradius checkpoint system is in full swing. Still, I think I'd be a fool not to recommend this game to fans of the genre. Its out on the PS4's Arcade Archives line and you're sure to fall in love with the game's synth soundtrack.

Run! Run! Run! - Gokujou Parodius (SFC)

A spin-off of the Gradius series, the Parodius games star dozens of characters from the Konami series including Vic-Viper, Lord British and Twin-Bee to name a few. Many of the songs used in the Parodius games are public domain, so you'll hear wacky renditions of classical music. Can you guess the name of this one?

Favorite Tunes Database

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