Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Leaks Suck

'Nuff said. I'm out.

What? You think I should elaborate? OK, fine.

There are three things I hate more than anything in this world. Taxes, snipers in Splatoon and leaks. I really, really hate freaking leaks.

As we draw closer to this year's E3, I was reminded that I despise leaks when I saw recommended videos on YouTube about Nintendo and Sony's E3 coverage being leaked in the sidebar. Now I haven't clicked on any of those videos nor have I viewed any similar videos that have popped up since. Even though I haven't seen any of those videos, the mere fact that hey exist is enough to make my blood boil.

Let's rewind back to the summer of 2015. Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U was still getting new content and one of the biggest, most recognizable characters in fighting games was set to throw down with Mario, Pac-Man, Mega Man and Sonic. I am of course talking about the Street Fighter poster boy, Ryu. Annnnnnnd we had it all ruined for us because some spoil sports leaked that Ryu was Smash bound before Nintendo could reveal it with one of their Nintendo Directs. This may be the spoiler generation but I don't like having ever single tidbit of information shown to me just because we live in a world where people have itchy leak trigger fingers.

Do you remember the reveal of Cloud and Bayonetta for Smash in late 2015? Holy crap, that was AWESOME! People thought those two would never, ever be in a Smash game and yet, the impossible happened. And the best part? No body leaked it! Many of us found out about Cloud and Bayonetta joining the Smash roster when Nintendo showed them to us. No leaks = HEAVY. EXCITEMENT.

I'm not just talking E3 leaks here. I mean leaks in general. When there were videos and streams of Sonic Mania being posted before the game released, I steered clear of them because I wanted to discover all of the games levels, bosses, music and Easter eggs on my own. As of right now, I don't know anything about E3 2018 and I want to keep it that way.

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