Monday, June 25, 2018

Arrogance: The Worst Look Anyone Can Wear

Arrogance. In life and especially the business that is the video game industry, it is quite possible the worst enemy one can have, especially if you happen to be a console manufacturer. One could argue that due to a company's success that they have a right to be arrogant but more often than not, there is one nasty sludge hammer waiting to destroy that pedestal that the proud have propped themselves up on.

Sony is sitting atop the throne with the PS4. It is clearly winning this console generation but I'm getting the impression that Sony doesn't remember the humbling experience that was the previous console generation. This whole no cross play on Xbox One and Switch debacle is really showing that Sony thinks they are too cool for school.

Sony cleaned house during both the PS and PS2 eras. Winning two console generations in a row is enough to make anyone's head swell and it was at the point where the PS3 was revealed that Sony showed the world that they had an ego the size of a small planet. In a display of supreme arrogance, Sony priced the PS3 at $600 and had the gull to state they wanted gamers to work second jobs just to be able to afford one. Gamers response to that was to buy a Wii and a 360. Sure the PS3 eventually overtook the 360 but Sony's massive ego allowed the competition to win that era with the Wii kicking the PS3's teeth in.

Despite not having a whole lot at launch, the PS4 quickly gained traction due to the low entry cost at $400 and they were very pro consumer compared to Microsoft with the Xbox one at 2013's E3, which had to be one of the lowest points for Microsoft and played a large part in landing them where they are now. Sony even took a not-so-subtle jab at Microsoft when they demonstrated how game sharing on the PS4 would work, you know, the natural way, loaning games to friends instead of that stupid cloud nonsense that Microsoft thought was actually a good idea along with their always online DRM. Microsoft pretty much handed Sony the win for the PS4 vs XBO battle, if it can even be called such.

Now here we are, five years later and Sony's ego is once again in the drivers seat, making mind mindbogglingly stupid choices. Thinking that just because they are sitting in the number one spot, that they are untouchable when it has been proven time and again for all three console manufacturers, no one is immune to failure. Regardless of what you may think of Fortnite and the popularity the game has garnered holding player's accounts to the game hostage is just plain scummy. To Sony it may be about their bottom line as a business but it still isn't a good move. Microsoft and Nintendo have taken advantage of Sony's idiocy and have shown that they are open to cross platform play with a brilliant Minecraft ad. Never thought I'd see the day where a Microsoft controller is shown in an ad on Nintendo's channel, but there really is a first time for everything.

Gamers remember what happened the last time Sony's arrogance was out of control but it is quite apparent that Sony does not. There could be a sludge hammer knocking on their door in a few years.

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