Saturday, July 7, 2018

Favorite Tunes #233: An SNK Kinda Day

Looking for music from King of Fighters for last week's got me to listen to a whole lotta SNK jams. Seriously, I'd forgotten how awesome the music in SNK games are. This week's Favorite Tunes is filled with SNK songs from top to bottom.

Stage 1- Metal Slug (ARC, NG)
Despite the cartoonish look of the series, Metal Slug is known for it's harsh difficulty. Unlike Contra, special weapons run on limited ammo and getting a high prisoner bonus is tough because unless you're some kinda Metal Slug god, death is never too far behind. Nonetheless, these things have not stopped Metal Slug from being a favorite SNK franchise. Thanks to the re-releases via the Arcade Archives line, gamers of all ages can enjoy the first few Metal Slug entries.

Stage 3 - P.O.W. Prisoners of War (ARC)
With a name like Prisoners of War, you might be thinking the game is some kind of overhead shooter. Instead, this is a beat 'em up. Released in 1988, this title predates the Metal Slug and King of Fighters games that SNK is more famous for. Perhaps this will be included  as part of the SNK 40th Collection for the Switch set to release later this year.

Jungle Rhythm - Shock Troopers (ARC, NG)
Unlike P.O.W., this game actually is an overhead shooter and a pretty unique one at that. You get a ton of characters to choose from each with their own set of bombs, a beefy life meter and the option to go solo or a select from a team of three. Rolling makes you completely invunerable to enemy attacks and the eighty way shooting really helps set this apart from so may other games in this genre. If you're curious, you can grab Shock Troopers via Arcade Archives for chump change.

Entirely Breaker (Theme of Geon) - King of the Monsters (ARC, NG)
Who doesn't love rubber suited monsters raking up millions in property damage? Well, some don't but those people are weirdos. While some of you may be more familiar with this game on the SNES (that $650 price tag made sure that only five people owned a Neo Geo), the game originated in the arcades. If you're in the mood to play a game with monsters kicking the crap out of each other in sprite form, you're in the right place with King of the Monsters.

The Melting Point (Stage 4) - Last Resort (ARC, NG)
At first glance Last Resort may seem like an R-Type clone with the ship design and that pod that can be fired off. However, the similarities end there. Take Last Resort for a spin and you'll wish the pod in R-Type was as diverse as the one in SNK's shooter. If you've seen the anime Akira you may recognize a few pieces of scenery here in Last Resort as SNK blatantly ripped them off. I guess they were fans. Not only does Last Resort look stunning after more than 20 years later, the soundtrack is on point.

ESAKA (Japan Stage) - The King of Fighters '94 (ARC, NG)
While it may be vastly outclassed by the games that followed it, The King of Fighters '94 isn't automatically a bad game because of it. It is responsible for birthing the 3 member team system that has helped make the series so famous. It also pumped out a killer soundtrack that is still mighty impressive to this day. Among the stage themes from KOF '94, this is my favorite, hands down.

Favorite Tunes Database

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