Saturday, August 11, 2018

Favorite Tunes #236: Born to be Free

Favorite Tunes is back after a short absence. This week, arcade games take up a good bit of the selected songs but there's also some X68000 love. Oh yeah, and the 3DS.

Rune & Ark - Growl (ARC)
Known as Runark in Japan, Growl is a beat 'em up that has you fighting poachers. Nice to give aliens, robots and gang members a break from being whaled on so much. You can even get all powerful elephants to beat the crap out of those poachers. Being a Taito game, Growl's soundtrack was handled by former ZUNTATA member Yasuhisa Watanabe, who did the music for Metal Black and Gun Frontier, two other outstanding ZUNTATA scores.

Blast Power - Bosconian (X68000)
Bosconian originally hit the arcades in 1981 and there was very little in the way of music, with what little there was consisting of jingles and sound effects. There were several home ports of the title in the following years including one for the Sharp X68000, which boasted a full blown soundtrack. I listened to it recently and it is some pretty impressive music. You can expect more music from this version of the game to pop up in the future for Favorite Tunes.

Born to be Free - Metal Black (ARC)
What is this, another track from ZUNTATA? And from Metal Black, no less. But hey, it isn't Dual Moon this time (have I mentioned how much I LOVE that tune?) Metal Black is one of the greatest ZUNTATA soundtracks, right up there with The Ninja Warriors, Darius II and RayStorm. The game itself is ins't shabby at all and is in desperate need of a re-release. A lot of shooters start with energetic, pumping music, Metal Black starts with a slower paced, yet uplifting track, a great way to start out a fantastic SHMUP.

Night Slashers - Night Slashers (ARC)
I've never played Night Slashers but the  name and the logo did catch my interest enough to give some tracks a listen. And OMG is the Night Slashers theme awesome! Even at the time this game was released in arcades (1993) those guitar solos are masterful.

Kiss Me (Blue Mary Stage) - Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (ARC)
I'm not the most knowledgeable guy when it comes to the Fatal Fury series, but from what I gather, Fatal Fury 3 isn't as popular as later or the previous entry, Fatal Fury Special, the enhanced version of Fatal Fury 2. That didn't stop me from enjoying the game when I played it on the Fatal Fury Battle Archives some ten years ago for PS2 or the game's soundtrack. When I think of top favorite Fatal Fury 3 jams, this one immediately comes to mind.

Tomorrow Hill - WarioWare Gold (3DS)
Some people are miffed that this game isn't on the Switch but since that system has no mic or stylus that would kill a good chunk of the micro games. There are several entries in the WarioWare series that I missed out on so I'm thankfully that WarioWare Gold includes titles from previous games as well as new micro games. The game features a ton of voice acting from the always wonderful WarioWare crew and it is hilarious. Of course you've also got those vocal songs which sound even better on the 3DS.

Favorite Tunes Database

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