Saturday, September 1, 2018

Favorite Tunes #239: These Songs Need to Be in Smash Ultimate

This is a Flash Back Favorite Tunes without the Flash Back in the subtitle because, well, the title above is long enough as it is. But, it isn't just any old Flash Back, no. With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate being three months from release, my excitement for the game is building by the day. So while these are all tracks that have been featured in Favorite Tunes before, I'd love for all of them to be in Ultimate for our Smashing pleasure.

Nebula - Excite Truck (Wii)
Remember the Excite series? It saw a  revival on the Wii with three releases, the first of which was Excite Truck. It didn't set the world on fire but at least Nintendo still recognized that the Excite games existed before letting the series lay dormant after the retail bomb that was Excktebots: Trick Racing, a game that released to zero advertisement. There was a single track from Excite Truck in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and it was carried over to Smash 4. My pick for another Excite Truck is Nebula, hands down.

Lethal Encounter - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)
The Tanker is a pretty short section in Metal Gear Solid 2. After you finish it, you spend the rest of the game playing as Raiden on the Big Shell. I kinda wish this was the standard Encounter theme for MGS2 because out of the entire MG series, this Encounter theme is my favorite and it is a shame that you don't get to hear it much in game.

Blaze Heatnix Stage - Mega Man X6 (PS)
The last Smash Direct had a killer Opening Stage remix from the first Mega Man X, so I'm hoping it is not the only X track to be used in the Mega Man stage. As awful of a game as X6 is, the soundtrack is dripping with quality. If any one track from X6 could be in Ultimate, I would love for it to be this theme.

Punch Bowl - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)
Breaking news, the Wii U did not sell well and neither did Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. The game has fared much better on the Switch despite the higher price tag attached. I'm happy to see it doing better on the Switch because it is a pretty ace 2.5D platformer. The lack of this song being in Smash 4 made me a very sad panda. I mean, just listen to this track. It needs to be a tune we can Smash to.

Blue Resort - Bomberman 64 (N64)
Bomberman is an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Yes, there are those that wanted him as a playable character but even getting a slot on the Assist Trophy roster in Smash is nothing to scoff at. Since Konami owns the rights to Hudson's IPs, it would be great to see some Bomberman jams used on the Shadow Moses stage.

Athletic - Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
One of the Wii U games that has not turned up on the Switch (yet, anyway.) Nintendo has been going ham on jazz in their video games and I'm a all for it. Super Mario 3D World. With Ultimate having more music than any other Smash game, I'm hoping to see more tracks from 3D World. As much as I enjoyed Super Bell Hill, give me Athletic/Chainlink Charge all day, every day.

Favorite Tunes Database

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