Saturday, September 15, 2018

Favorite Tunes #240: Turning Over a New Leaf

If you are in one of the areas that was called for evacuation for Hurricane Florence, I hope you're staying safe. We managed to get quite fortunate and have the storm pass over us here in Virginia. Anyway, for this week, there's a selection of tracks that reflects a few of the titles I'm currently playing and a few that I'm really looking forward to.

Home (Not) Sweet Home - 2064: Read Only Memories (PC, PS4, PSV, XBO, NS)
Do you like cyber punk? Do you like text based games? Do you like knowledgable, adorable robots with dome-shaped heads? If you answered yes to all of those questions, you should take 2064: Read Only Memories for a spin. I haven't played many games in this genre, but the pixel graphics and cyber punk setting were enough to stir my interest. It has an intriguing story, some wonderful characters and a really good soundtrack. This is far from the last time you'll see music from this game popping up.

Block Man Stage - Mega Man 11 (NS, PS4, XBO, PC)
If you've played the Mega Man 11 Demo, you've been exposed to Block Man's challenging stage. It keeps with the spirit of classic Mega Man with tough, but fair level design. It wasn't long before I was bobbing my head to the square one's level theme. True to most Mega Man songs, this one is pretty catchy.

Dwelling of Doom - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)
Perhaps it is because Halloween is coming up. Maybe it is because I've been listening to the Pixel Mixers latest release. Or maybe it could be that I'm stoked that the Belmont boys are in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. OK, its all three. Castlevania II is the black sheep of the NES trilogy with gameplay being a huge departure from the first, result in a highly cryptic title, one that is impossible to play without a guide. If any Castlevania game needs a remake, it is definitely this one. Music is aces, though.

#12 awake - Splatoon 2 (NS)
You do you need more annoyance in your life? Do you want to smash the nearest thing after the umpteenth attempt at a mission to end in failure? Well look no further than Splatoon 2's Octo  Expansion DLC. For a low price of $20 you can experience what it is like to lose your sanity trying to obtain a Golden Hairpin. Frustration aside, the Octo Expansion DLC is a very nice addition to what is already an outstanding game. The lore of Splatoon is expanded and you can get exclusive gear to use in the multiplayer matches. The sound team even went ham and gave us an entirely new soundtrack for this DLC.

Your Contract Has Expired - A Hat in Time (PC, PS4, XBO, NS)
I've been wanting to feature music from A Hat in Time here on Favorite Tunes but I haven't played the game yet, though I have been spoiled about some plot points thanks to a catch a videos on YouTube. This song came up in my recommended section and with the amount of views it had, I figured it was worth a listen. Rock on, Hat in Time. Rock on.

Town Hall - Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)
This past Thursday's Nintendo Direct was either a roaring success or a huge disappointment. I feel like some people have insanely high exceptions for these directs and if/when they don't get what they wanted, they come out disappointed. Seriously, if you couldn't find anything to get excited about among all that stuff that was revealed, the hype gene may not be in you. There were a lot of good annoucements in the direct two of them being that not only is Isabelle gonna be a playable character in Smash, but a new console Animal Crossing is finally on the way.

Favorite Tunes Database

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