Sunday, October 7, 2018

Favorite Tunes #242: Mega Man Returns

After almost a decade, Mega Man has finally returned in a brand new game. I have been playing and loving Mega Man 11 and the Blue Bomber's triumphant return has gotten me in the mood for some Mega Man jams.

Note: A few tracks are from past Favorite Tunes.

Fuse Man Stage - Mega Man 11 (NS, PS4, XBO, PC)
During the Mega Man 30th anniversary live stream, Capcom took us through a visual timeline of all of the previous Mega Man games from 1987 to 2017. Doubtful watchers that thought 2018 would hold nothing new for our favorite blue android were proven wrong as Capcom unveiled Mega Man 11 and with Fuse Man's stage music playing for the trailer. I don't think Mega Man could have come back with better music playing.

Cut Man Stage - Mega Man (NES)
It has horrible North American box art and is a bit rough around the edges. Having said that, the first ever Mega Man game is a pretty solid title. If you're playing the first Mega Man game and don't know which Robot Master you should tackle first, go for Cut Man. The cursor is on him by default and rock beats scissors. "But I don't have Guts Man's Super Arm!" Silly goose. Mega Man's name is also Rock.

Magnet Man Stage - Mega Man 3 (NES)
Whenever I boot up Mega Man 3, I usually go for Magnet Man first. I like his weapon, his stage is a blast to go through and his level theme is one of the most cheerful, upbeat songs in video games. Even as I type this, I can clearly hear those 8-bit notes playing in my head.

Dr. Wily Stage 1 - Mega Man 7 (SNES)
You didn't think it was going to be purely 8-bit music after the initial Mega Man 11 track, did you? As much as I love me some 8-bit Mega Man songs, many of my favorites are from Mega Man 7 and 8. Meg Man 7 has some very strong, distinct baselines throughout it's soundtrack.

Tengu Man Stage - Mega Man 8 (SAT)
For whatever reason, Tengu Man has an entirely different track in the Saturn version of Mega Man 8. While the tune is very jovial in the PS version, the song is far more serious, contrasting with what looks like a mostly happy go lucky stage. While I do enjoy both tracks, I have to give the nod to the Saturn version.

Fuse Man (Instrumental) - Mega Man 11 (NS, PS4, XBO, PC)
If you pre-ordered Mega Man 11, you got a very special bonus: instrumental arrangements of the eight Robot Master stages that you can hear in-game. I didn't think too much of it at first until after I finished Block Man and Fuse Man's levels and turned on their instrumental versions and holy crap are these arrangements impressive. I'll have more to say about these instrumentals in an upcoming post.

Favorite Tunes Database

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