Saturday, October 20, 2018

Favorite Tunes #243: Over Being Sick

Last week, I caught a nasty virus. During one of the days I was sick, I was bedridden and the last time I was that ill was back in 2012. Thankfully, I've recovered and now I've just got a little cold.

Shana's Theme - The Legend of Dragoon (PS)
Once Final Fantasy VII brought RPGs into the mainstream, the PS saw a slew of them. Between both the N64 and the PS, my plate was quite full in 2000 so I never got around to playing this (Final Fantasy IX also came out that year). Recently, I was listening to some relaxing music to fall asleep and this track was featured in one of the many playlists I usually go to. It is quite the peaceful tune. Very lullaby-like.

Impact Man Stage - Mega man 11 (NS, PS4, XBO, PC)
I really like Mega Man 11's techno soundtrack. I gather some aren't used to it since eight of the ten classic Mega Man games used chiptunes but we can't stay 8-bit forever. It actually took some time for Impact Man's theme to grow on me (I died A LOT in this level) but now I find it to be a real banger.

Round 5 (Bay Area) - Mighty Final Fight (NES)
Released near the very end of the NES's life cycle, Mighty Final Fight is an SD take on the series. Its only a single player beat 'em up and most agree that it isn't the best of what the genre has to offer on the system, but this is still a pretty good effort. Being such a late NES release, it is quite a rare cart. It has had several re-releases with the most recent being on the Wii U's eShop.

Stage 3 Boss - Ghouls'N Ghosts (ARC)
The sequel to the 1985 quarter stealing, soul shattering Ghosts'N Goblins, Ghouls'N Ghosts, like the game that came before it is a merciless action platformer that has you do two runs through the game to fully complete it. Those that wish to hang on to their sanity will most likely give up after the first level or two. Despite not being the biggest fan of this series, I do enjoy the soundtracks, and I've been listening to various songs from the games as of late.

Danzen Dungeon - Dynamite Headdy (GEN)
The latest re-release of Dynamite Headdy is on the SEGA Genesis Classics. The physical release was back in May for the PS4 and XBO but it will be coming to the Switch. The version in SEGA Genesis Classics lets you play the Japanese version as well as the English version, which is a very good option since the American version is harder.

Load BGM - Akumajo Dracula (X68000)
If you've played Castlevania ReBirth on the Wii (the game so needs a re-release), then you may have heard this theme. What you may not know is that it originated in the 1993 Akumajo Dracula for the Sharp X68000, which would be released on the PS in 2001 under the name Castlevania Chronicles. It should go without saying, but this is some pretty sick load music.

Favorite Tunes Database

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