Thursday, November 15, 2018


"EVERYONE IS HERE!" These are the words that kicked off the hype train for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate during Nintendo's E3 showing in June of 2018. Every single character that had been playable in the the Super Smash Bros. series prior to this game would be playable in Ultimate. Needless to say, this news was met with thunderous applause. Whether you had a favorite or a main from Melee, Brawl or Smash Wii U, every single character would be present and to throw down in what is shaping up to be the biggest crossover in the history of video games.

During the closing of the Smash Ultimate presentation, a character fans had been desiring for a long time was finally being added to the roster, Samus Aran's, arch nemesis. Ridley. The winged nightmare made his debut by killing Mega Man and Mario. Sure, the beast was probably just showing off and taunting Samus by offing her crew, but the following Nintendo Direct, which was Smash Ultimate focused had Luigi get taken out by Death from Castlevania. The same direct ended with King K. Rool offing King Dedede. Fans had come to the realization that with each Smash Direct, a character would be killing. With the final Smash Ultimate Direct scheduled for November 1st, fans were left to speculate who would die in this last Direct. Sakurai had an answer for us: everyone.

November's final Direct ended with one heck of a bang. We saw the entire roster, cliff side, about to wage the mother of all battles against an army of Master Hands. Beams of light assault our heroes and while the bravely try to fight against these unbelievably fast beams, it quickly becomes apparent that they are locked into a losing battle. When such heroes as Link and Samus are bested (quite hastily, I might add) many of the heroes try to escape. Alas, it is hopeless. Sonic is vaporized trying to help save a fleeing Pikachu only for the cute little rodent to meet the very same fate. Falco, swift of a pilot that he is, is quickly overtaken in when flying away in his Arwing. For some reason, Snake thought he would be safe if he hid in his cardboard box, but his vaporization proved to be one of the most amusing. We don't see how every single character was taken out (I shudder to think of how my dog waifu Isabelle was taken out) but we are shown how a good chunk of the cast got eliminated. It was pretty much a no holds bared beat down for our heroes (and villains). They did not have a freaking chance. EVERYONE IS DEAD.

Well, almost everyone.

The Galeem Light (what disposed of our heroes and Villains) was chasing Kirby, but thankfully he wasn't fleeing on foot, but on this Warp Star and he managed to escape. Now anyone that knows Sakurai can understand why Kirby, out of a cast that huge got away. The little pink blob is his baby and after everything he's done for Smash Ultimate, I have no problem with him showing favoritism towards his creation. Besides, somebody had to get away so everyone else could be saved.

It turns out killing everybody was Sakurai's way for introducing us to the game's adventure/story mode, World of Light. Starting out alone, it will be up to Kirby to reunite everyone so they fight back against this mysterious foe. I kinda feel sad for Kirby. All of his friends were killed and he's got to venture out into this big world. But then I remember that Kirby once went on a rampage because someone took his cake. This time, someone took his friends. So yeah, mysterious foe is gonna get it.

Killing off (almost) the entire cast? Now that is how you get someone excited to play adventure/story mode! I really liked Subspace Emissary in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, both the the many fights and the character interactions during cut scenes. We don't know if Ultimate will have as many cut scenes for the adventure mode as Brawl did but I really hope it does. Sakurai didn't do an adventure mode for Smash Wii U because the cut scenes for Brawl were uploaded to YouTube, but Brawl released ten years ago so perhaps he feels differently now. Even if World of Light doesn't have a wealth of cut scenes, the world we'll be traveling looks positively massive and there will be bosses to fight as well as a skill tree for us to upgrade our characters. It's pretty cool to see Sakurai do such an ambitious story mode again and I cannot wait to play World of Light.

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